MGM Grand Hotel Las Vegas: It ruled Feuer in the Spielerparadies

November 21, 1980
Feuer im MGM Grand: the conquered hotel fire in the Spielerparadies

In 1980 a Feuer aus was held at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. Most hotel guests were überrascht in the Schlaf – so who came across Otto Waalkes. More than 80 people died.

It has never been so long since you have a Friday morning at the MGM Grand Hotel Ausbricht. A Fliesenleger will spend 7 hours in the house Restaurant The Deli in the Erdgeschoss will work late and notice a flash of light. If the restaurant is used, the flames will be ready for the work place on the deck. There is no grift nor zum feuerlöscher, but the flames and the thick black rauch knit themselves quickly.

The 26-star hotel and casino complex on the famous Las Vegas Strip will first last a year. Provided more than 106 million dollars are gilded, the construction costs of more than 106 million dollars are a large hotel of the world. Es gibt 2076 Zimmer, 780 weitere befinden sich zu der Zeit noch in Bau. Allein der Casinoreich is bigger than a Fußballfeld. An jenem Tomorrow you will find 5000 Guests, Mitarbeiter and other Persons in the Gebäude. Viele der Hotelgäste lies nor in ihren Betten, als de Feuer in Erdgeschoss ausbricht.

Helicopter retten Guests at the MGM Grand Hotel

When the first Feuerwehrleute is a fact, it rolls out a Feuerwalze in the Casino. Large Luftmengen, which through the adjacent café and the Spielhalle streams, füttern the Flammen with more Frischluft. “There is a Backdraft Situation,” said Mike Patterson, Brandermittler leader of the Clark County Feuerwehr, später. When the gas and vapor disappear and the Sauerstoff fuel emits a rauchgas explosion, a feuerbal is created. The Möbel in the casino is not that simple. Schaumstoffpolster, Vorhänge, Tapeten, mirrored Plastic Decks, Zierleisten, decorative Holzelemente – everything can be removed by the Flammen aufgefressen. The enormous heat that the slot machines with butter in the probe generate is a toxic fume. In the large Fläche of the casinos, Flammen, Hitze, Rauch and Gas can be expanded without hindrance. For all people who have good quality, the climbing layers, the agitators, the suction technology and the treppenhäuser are in the upper stock work.

When the clouds appear in Las Vegas, think of the hotel guests in the Brand nichts waiter’s trip. “There is no Feueralarm, no Sprinkleranlage, no one knocks and our Zimmertür, um uns zu warnen”, there is a survivor. As soon as the holiday is no longer on the mountain range and bereits from 8.30 am, the quality can continue unhindered beyond the hotel – and many more opportunities to explore the way out of Zimmern. With your hands you cover the Schlitze der Klimaanlagen and the Türspalten. In Panik they open the window to get fresh air. Those, the private balcony, fly as free and court Hilfe. One of the things you need to do is get rettet with Hubschraubern.

Komiker Otto Waalkes: “Der Gang war voler Rauch”

I’m 26. Stockwerk is on Otto Waalkes. Wie der Komiker in de blessing Biography “Kleinhirn an all” is described, it must have been noted by Lärm in Flur. When we get out of Zimmer, everything is a disease. “Der Gang war voler Rauch, Menschen in Schlafanzügen lay kuchend auf dem Teppich, other rannten in Richtung Notausgang. Eh I ich den erreicht hatte, wurde clear, that the massive Tür was lost”, writes there. Now that the loss of notes from the Rettungskräften is described with more Axthieben, it can be a good thing to keep repeating. There are idiosyncratic direct loss prints, but the Feuerwehrmann has packed up and roared: “Little Panik”.

Eingeschlagene Fensterscheiben in the upper Stockworks at the Hotel MGM in Las Vegas

Eingeschlagene Fensterscheiben in the waiters Stockworks sows of the Panic of Hotel guests

© Anonymous / Picture Alliance

Auch Anderswo plays dramatic Szenen ab. “When I come to the Leiter, think of that one sister,” says a Frau. A Mann has had a hernia. Enjoy the Feuerwehrmann and four other guests on the run and heading to the helicopter equipment. These workers are also welcome as hotel guests. There are a few things that aren’t based on an Ort and Stelle. The umliegende Krankenhäuser fills up quickly. It’s a quick four stunden, but it’s a full-fledged evacuation. Rettungskräfte will find a unique Tote in the Zimmern, on the Fluren, in Aufzügen or in Treppenhäusern, which offer the most of a Rauchgasvergiftung.

Insgesamt comes to the verherende Brand 85 Menschen ums Leben. 679 others were lost. The best part of the offer is the Rettungskräfte-zwischen from 20. and 25. Stock.

Opferhalten Schadenersatz in Millionenhöhe

If Ursache für das Feuer makes a dominating Kurzschluss attack, one of the Wand mounts will perform a Steckdose operation. Due to the air pollution in the air ducts, toxic gases are created in the climate of the hotels and protecting the air flow in the hotels. “It is a sprinkler system in the restaurant, where washing damage has now occurred,” said the leading Brandermittler. Since 1970, there has been a different fire protection set for all hotels Sprinkler and warning guidelines. Auch Rauchmelder does not go any further. When the hotel opened in 1978, the hotel was no longer illuminated, but it was remodeled.

Three Years After the Catastrophe lasts more than 1300 Affected 140.5 Million Dollar Damages incurred. It is the largest claim burden in the History of the United States. 75 Million Dollars will cost the Hotel, 10.5 Million Dollars the infrastructure, the Heiz- en Klimaanlagen in the Gebäude installed here. The remaining 55 Million Dollars runs on 40 Firmen. So if the Hotel Repairman uses the hotel’s plastic coloring, the Feuer’s is the gift fabric used.

The MGM major has revived the brand and has now been implementing new fire protection regulations for eight months, which have been dealt with by Clark County administrators. When Kurzem started war with the hotel under the name Bally’s Las Vegas, the world started at Horseshoe Las Vegas in December 2022. Since 1993 it has been a hotel with the names MGM Grand am Strip. Mit 5,044 Zimmern is gilded as drittgrößtes Hotel der Welt.

Watch the video: Bei Waldbränden nordwestlich von Los Angeles has lost people in their Zuhause. Trockenheit and Wind are blowing the fire, not all Fires are under control.