Susan Meiselas at SWPA 2025 Ausgezeichnet
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Sony World Photography Awards: Susan Meiselas – Prize for herausragende Leistungen voor de Fotografie 2025
Berlin, November 12, 2024. Susan Meiselas is the winner of the 2025 Sony World Photography Awards with the award Prizes for research studies for photography ausgezeichnet. Since meiselas has a special experience, it is time to spend the years on the medium of photography that is great. Meiselas hat sich with ihrer aussagekräftigen porträts von Menschen in ihren Gemeinschaften new Perspektiven for the Documentar Photography eröffnet hat. Meiselas has been robbed of his reporting on women – from heralding women in Little Italy, New York, über-stripperesses at the annual fair to his wife in the royal family, who radiates most of his life. This may mean that many documentaries have been published about the human rights fragments in Late America and their photographic History of Kurdistan. Meiselas Fotoessays are grim local verwurzelt und sows vom Leben und de Erfahrungen derer, diem eclipse. If you are long-awaited angels, you are often notified of the messages about the main character* that you have received and loaded with one of them.
I am Somerset House in London from April 17 to May 5, 2025. Carried out with a nice project by Susan Meiselas to see if it is a solution, which is still not in the Vereinigten Koning. The Ausstellung spannt einen Bogen von Meiselas frühesten Series – 44 Irving Street, Prince Street girls and Carnival strippers – for your spatering projects Pandora’s box and A private room. Dabei In short, we present the thematic elements that are often hidden in Meisel’s work, and in particular, the work is often hidden.
The one at Somerset House has made a series of documentaries about the Austausch and the beautiful images, the photos over the years. So lud Meiselas für Irving Street 44 (1971) Die Zimmernachbar*innen in my Wohnheim-dag, over de Unterschiede zischen ihrer Selbstwahrnehmung en dem zu schreiben, was de porträts-saiden, die von ihnen angefertigt hatt. Prinsstraat girls (1975-1990) Wiederum said the dynamics in a Gruppe heranwachsender young Mädchen in Little Italy after and continues the Entwicklung bis ins erwachsenalter.
Carnival strippers (1972-75) entstand auf Jahrmärkten in Neuengland und beleuchtet de Erfahrungen von Striptease-Tänzerinnen auf en jenseits der Bühne. The project said that it was connected with the private rights of the Tanzerinnen and set the photo of a collage of stimuli of all kinds, from the show manager*innen about the women on the stage to the man in the audience. That immersive projection Pandora’s box (1995) went to an SM Club in New York City, dubbed the “Disneyland of Domination”. In A private room (2015-2017) Richtet Meiselas ihr Objektiv auf ein Frauenhaus in het English Black Country. If you take photos of the Zimmern der Bewohnerinnen with the Aussagen and own Artworks of geflohenen Frauen, is an identity that appeals to you if you schützen.
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Susan Meiselas was born in 1948 in Baltimore, USA. You are absolutely sure from Harvard University in a Master-Studium of visual communication and it can be a success as Lehrerin. My photography and realization began in the summer of 1972-75 in the first project Carnival strippers. 1976 started with photographing Magnum and how a work created the work complex. The photos of the revolution in Nicaragua The end of the 1970s have been in the history of the revolution for a long time, nor are they present.
Susan Meiselas said, if she deserves the award: „It is an honor for me, that I have learned a lot about the world of photography. In the 50 years that you have had the privilege of writing, while writing, and one of the often unvisited lives that you have, it has become a beige light. The work loads zum Nachdenken ein – nicht nur über the Bilder itself, under the über the Beziehungen, it is prägt and inspired.”
Over the price
Der Price for herausragende Leistungen für die Fotografie würdigt de Schöpfer*innen der bahnbrechendsten fotografische Arbeiten unserer Zeit. As 18. Preisträgerin reiht sich Susan Meiselas in eenlijst iconic Persönlichkeiten ein, by Mary Ellen Mark (2014), Martin Parr (2017), Graciela Iturbide (2021), Edward Burtynsky (2022) and Sebastião Salgado (2024).
Susan Meiselas was born on April 16, 2025 at the All Years Gala in London in Empfang, on the occasion of her participation in the Sony World Photography Awards 2025. Weitere Informationen op de bevorstehenden Ankündigungen en de Gewinner*innen gibt es auf