Enge Vertraute: Darum Power Trump Brooke Rollins zur Ministerin

Donald Trump has nominated Brooke Rollins as agriculture secretary. The scary Vertraute Trumps übernahm schon während seinersten Amtszeit bedeutende Positionen.

Trump Brooke Rollins
New US Secretary of State Brooke Rollin has come a long way from Donald Trump. (Archivbild) – Cornerstone

With the appointment of Brooke Rollins, he has chosen the American president Donald Trump signal Kabinett is executed again. The 52-year-old Juristin is gilded as a loyal Unterstützerin des Republikaners.

War led by Brooke Rollins for the appointment of the American Minister of Landwirtschaften in a Begriff?

Rollins is the Gründerin of the America First Policy Institutes, who sees the politics of Trump’s policies. Laut “Zeit” was often awarded by the Institute as Trump’s “Weisses Haus in Wartestand”.

Rollins’ Engagement for Landwirte wurde von Trump as “unaffected” reformed. There is concrete, when the vegetation has started, the “American farmer of the schützen, the backbones are no longer present in the country”

Trump nominated long-term Vertraute

From 2017 to 2021, when Trump’s first Amtszeit, war Rollins Leiterin of the Domestic Policy Council. In this position, Trump will be involved in the domestic politics and integrated strategies of his economy in Landwirten.

Trump Brooke Rollins
Brooke Rollins thanked Donald Trump online for her messages. – x.com/@BrookeLRollins

Before my time at Weissen Haus gründete si das America First Policy Institute, where we narrated a new role play. This institution has made more decisions about Trump’s appointment, but Linda McMahon, who will die as Attorney General.

Central role in the Trump administration

In this case new role as agricultural minister Wird Rollins is now no longer classic agricultural policy. Go to the program to start the program and the renewal program SNAP.

Trump Brooke Rollins
Long summary: Now power Trump Brooke Rollins in his country Agrarministerin. (Archivbild) – Cornerstone

The Landwirtschaftsministerium has employed the largest federal governments in the US and played a central role in agricultural policy. If the Rollins program is open, the SNAP program launcher will be heard.

Rollins’ Nomination is part of Trump’s Strategy, enge Vertraute in Schlüsselpositionen zu platzieren. More than any of my colleagues came from the America First Policy Institute, my only representation was Trump politics.

Trump completes the Cabinet

Neben Rollins has nominated Trump and Scott Bessent for Treasury Secretary. Bessent is a hereditary investor and will make the financial adjustments Registration anghen.

Trump Brooke Rollins
Donald Trump has a cabinet with Brooke Rollins status. – Cornerstone

Linda McMahon, comes from the Wrestling Worldthe Secretary of State and the fall of Trump’s first Amtszeit with. You can no longer care for small children and now choose the Bildungsresort.

There are other ministerial positions that can do this Office of the Trade Ministers a Howard Lutnick. Lutnick is the winner of the South German Zeitung of a Wall Street Manager with a major change in the financial sector.