Freiämter Ringer qualifies for the NLA Final


Zwei Stunden lang under Hochstrom: Die Freiämter Ringer qualifies for the Final

After the Halbfinal-Rückkampf in Krissern, the Freiämter Ringer qualification is only three years longer before the Nationalliga-A-Final.

The Freiämter Ringer has achieved the Finaleinzug in the Schweizer Mannschaftsmeisterschaft after 23:13-Heimsieg. Aber der Rückkampf beim Titelverteidiger Krissern entwickelte sich zu einer Bewährungsprobe.

In the spare time, here we starlvertretend Ersatzringer Kimi Käppeli after seinem 4:0-Punktesieg against Daniel Loher.

In the spare time, here we starlvertretend Ersatzringer Kimi Käppeli after seinem 4:0-Punktesieg against Daniel Loher.

Image: Wolfgang Rytz

Many of these Mattenduelle love offen and kinds also for the same fragmentarische Entscheidungen des Kampfchtertrios für Emotionsausbrüche. After the final competition at the final qualification fest.

The Ringerstaffel Freiamt with its new chief trainer Pascal Strebel has wanked, aber the Zweikampfsubstanz in Team reichte, um in two turbulent Stunden in Kriessener Hexenkessel for 650 enthusiastic mitgehenden Zuschauern nicht die Nerven zu verlieren. Die 14:15-Niederlage am Ende war een Schönheitsfehler – meer nicht.

Aischkanov’s emotions overcame him

Olympionike Strebel demonstrated its athletes, was separated from the Solchen Abnützungskämpfen ist: Ruhe bewahren. Officially tat there dies, as two campfires in the 130-kg free camp Magomed Aischkanow with fragmentarily separated a clear punktesieg wehrten. Freiamt’s Russian mind is no more and reflects itself with abschätzigen Gesten. Damit remembers the Vorkommnisse 2021 during the Final in Willisau. But Pascal Strebel understands, Aischkanow zu beruhigen.

Freiamts Russe Magomed Aischka has Jeremy Vollenweider kopfüber, aber Punkte is nur der Schwinger von Kriessern.

Freiamts Russe Magomed Aischka has Jeremy Vollenweider kopfüber, aber Punkte is nur der Schwinger von Kriessern.

Image: Wolfgang Rytz

I went in the emotional direction while I was in Greco-Duell with 97 kg of the Kriessener Ramon Betschart with the powerful star-shaped Christian Zemp-mehrmals with a Würgegriff-beerbeittete. After two camp minutes, the Zuger in Freiämter Services are available. After the swimminütiger Pflege erholte sich Zemp so weit, there is a 5:7-Niederlage über die Zeit kam.

«Scary Kämpfe were very different»

Trainer Strebel played after the Abnützungskampf in the event that Halle continued. “Besides they have Punkten Reserve war entseparendend, so we can stop your Kampf as well.” So don’t wait to fight. During the war, Nils Leutert was besieged by a campfire from the junior Sandro Hungerbühler 5:0. If Freiämter Erfolg fühlte sich auch Saya Brunners 0:2-Niederlage against the über-powerful Dimitar Sandov an.

I am a 70-kg-free duel with Dominik Laritz (right) and the free man Nino Leutert went's drunter and drüber, a schliesslich rettete Leutert a 9:6-Punktesieg over the Zeit.

I am a 70-kg-free duel with Dominik Laritz (right) and the free man Nino Leutert went’s drunter and drüber, a schliesslich rettete Leutert a 9:6-Punktesieg over the Zeit.

Image: Wolfgang Rytz

During the break, Strebel mentally reminded his team: “Here we are in a war – we have to take care of each day.” Ersatzmann Kimi Käppeli, Nino Leutert, Marc Weber, Yves Müllhaupt and George Bucur reviewed this event and transferred their free time to the distance.

After the Samstag (Beginning in Muri), the Final follows the Favorite Willisau. We are going to use the roll for the first free time. “We couldn’t lose anything more. If a seasonal feeling arose last time, Pascal Strebel said with his tension.