Warren Buffett spends more than a billion dollars on a foundation

Investor Warren Buffett has continued a Thanksgiving tradition, spending more than $1.1 billion. There are many activities at the Konzerns Berkshire Hathaway in this Umfang and four founded blessing families, teilte der 94-jährige Buffett am Montag mit. In the meantime, there are details that we will tell you until the rest of the assets will be sold.

The financial experts are prepared with the knowledge that they have three children’s remaining assets of 147.4 billion dollars within their lifetime of future sales. There is a lot of attention for children’s play, the Verteilung is sollen for autumn, it is three times as bad that the Powers are full. Buffett’s naming does not apply. The consequences can occur if children are affected. Buffett reported in a short message about the action of Kinder Howard, Peter and Susie for 71, 69 and 66 years.

“Vater Zeit wins immer”, Schrieb Buffett. “If it can be that it is unfair and so gruesome, the life of the victim or the kurz danach has become, while other people are a hunter or something, and it is a rejection. Whatever you say, it fell Glück, aber in absehbarer Zeit wird zu mir kommen.”

Buffett says this is not the case. Absicht is one of the high backwaters of the family’s blessing family. Buffett is one of three children on the Laufe der Jahre Millionen von Dollar-gifts. But see the report, ‘that’s a great way to live with children and have fun exploring, damn it everything tun können, aber nicht genug, damn sie nieces tun können“.

Buffett has acquired a great luxury view: There is another example of a house in Omaha in the US state of Nebraska, which has been chewed over for several years and in right schlicht Auto’s jeden Tag zur Arbeit.

Buffett thought in 2006 that the foundation had spent a lot of money, that a children’s fund had become a foundation, that it was one of the first things with the gründete of women and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bis heute hat Buffett from the foundation of Freunds Bill Gates Aktien spent a sum of money of 55 million dollars. All liked the Stiftungen less than the summer they spent, but in the years that Buffett together with Berkshire-Akten the Thanksgiving holidays in November and the Stiftungen family.