Xenotilt im Test: So I have to say it, when I pfeift Flippern on Realism!

The extremely curvy Flippern überflutet das Gehirn with Belohnungshormones. The Overkill gives Präzision and Taktik – a bunch of treten Abwechslung and an audiovisual feast.

Alter Schwede! An FpS (Farben pro Sekunde) would have been working here, as in the area of ​​the Flipper mission. Other simulations of silberkugel-schnipsens are suitable for setting the Wirklichkeit am Herzen liesgt, Xenotilt with both hands in the effective, great kraftig and verilt the gesamten inhalt than at a Konfettiparty in gesamten Raum.

Denn wants to see a man with a trifft… and in the battle with Targets, Rampen, Bumpern and sonstigen Objekten fullygestopften Tischs is quickly unmolested, that is not the case. If the Kugel also gets up during the day, regnet is eiweise Farben, Punkte or Explosionen.

Make sure the packaging of the device provides the best results. When the ball goes over the Tisch-teleportiert, the head of the Zentralen Ziele weep a Schmerzen auf, or the starting of Raketen and other Geschosse, the man who can abschießen can – entwined with the Kugel itself or by the Maschinengewehre zowie Laser, the man activated, acquitted man the Kugel at a Hebel party and the Tisch tiltet.

Zugegeben: The overview is no longer good. It is clear that the idea of ​​​​the images has disappeared and a few other vaccinations have taken place, a ball waiting for the button. As soon as the ‘Kondensstreifens’ hint at the Kugel is the unguarded basic principle, if a man wants justice, he wants a Flipperhebel zum Kick ansetzen muss.

Spatestens at a frenetic Multiball have never been hilarious, when the man no longer saw was the waiter who played Kugeln. It is true that it is one of the most surprising things you can think of if you are of two minds, my four Hebel-gibt, the Multiball was of course a sister of the Herausforderung-darstellt. You often react when you are tactful.

Trotzdem is a party! The soundtrack of the retro manner is the tact that keeps the animation and certainty from ending up in the grandiose The Machine: Bride of Pin-Bot. It may be normal for Flippern to be unrealistic. The fragment is niece, who I am, has had the previous response from Demon’s Tilt. Williams would like to see Bally, Gottlieb, Stern and his last children. As bad as it is, but it is so fascinating that it keeps getting better with the good results, but Flipper fremdgegaan bin.

Xenotilt in the test

A spa test at Xenotilt is a click, but not in the Early Access war. It is one of the first versions of version 1.0 that is not simply rendered; nor more unrealistic, if that is what man wants. There are few breaks, there are many things to do. Nur fehlen mir die auch gar nicht. Sicher: The comprehensive overview of the reaction game stimulates preparation for re-ordering, evaluation and timing. Letzteres is aber dennoch gefragt and auch the ground legends, not gerade complexes Abbläufe sollte man internalized.

Be inspired by the Zentralen Ziele – various science-fiction as well as the horror images of the Middle Point on all three “Etagen” – zerstören and gleichzeitig Multiplikator and Punkteserien after seeing the Kombozähler at the Laufen halt. The credits are sold, after they are often affected, soda man erneut anschießen muss. If you have a huge Ultra Jackpot, you can get more extra benefits and extra characters, which will automatically win or add the best bonuses and so on.

In EX mode, a man is transported onto an external playing field, a woman can better use a mini-game. If one of the few things is a billionaire, then the man with a hereditary rough Kugel schiebt. While it is a certain mode, in the standard of the time, soda man schon the Ball on Rollen stops the sollte, and a hardcore variant with nur a ball that is so popular.

Overall: With Pinball FX can strengthen my inzwischen types. Zen ordentliche Flipper und versteht sich vor allem auf das Simulieren der Physik. The self-designed Tische des Studios heard for my long life, that is in that area gibt – was another daran lies, that Zen is with a few powers video game effects, anstatt a cool audiovisual show for choreographies, who is now the Hersteller der Echten Tische, See the Designer of the Pro-Pinball Series that is now available.

If I look at Xenotilt first, it is really not that I can deal with the power of the bandbreite a satisfactory spectacles and that it is not that interesting, if the Kugel is interesting, while it excites the rolls, while it is relatively dry , immerse gleiche Rampen zu schieben.

That Enzige, was my mitunter fehlt, since such elegant Kombos über more Disasters. To experience this, it is not the right thing here. If you have the Physik in the Ordnung and can never again let your Ganze warm up on a Steam Deck. If you are still not aware of the most special thing in your area, then it is true that the Tate Mode is not naturally available, so be sure to check it out yourself. I kick this Silberkugel aber on the other side of the road.

Xenotilt in the test – Fazit

Before that happens: Das Ganze only costs 15 Euro. Entwickelt where Xenotilt in the Western world by a lonely person, Adam Ferrando, and his trick, the man else if he has control over Flippern, is not punished with the fact that he an anvisiertes Ziel verfehlt. Statistics schmeisst one of the virtuous automatons of all Ecken and Enden banglbunte belohnungen um die Ohren, ohne aber the Herausforderungen a Reaktionsschnelligkeit and good Timing zu vergessen. Gift, it’s a good idea to do this. Even a debt, we are no longer here!

  • Audiovisual aufregender Flipper with a series, three “Etagen” hohem Tisch
  • Unleash the game and play four different play modes
  • Schwungvoller Retro-Soundtrack, cool Sprachfetzen and a Metal and Action Film inner Ton
  • Berauschendes Belohnen hereditary actions
  • Weltweite Ranklisten, auch unter Friends
  • Watch the spectacle
  • Smart missions and combos are designed for this kind of thing