Faistenau: Pkw-Crash fordert fun Schwerverletzte

Traffic sunlight on L202

More Notarzte and Hubschrauber in Einsatz



A traffic accident in Faistenau would be a cause of loss of people’s health. (SYMBOL)

Enjoy the pleasure of having people at a traffic stop in Faistenau on the Hintersee Landesstraße.

from: SALZBURG24 (Mon)

There is a traffic delay at 8.30 pm on the Hintersee Landesstraße (L202) on the Höhe Klaushof in Faistenau (Flachgau) ereignet. Two Pkw forces are generated, if people are lost because of the loss, report the Red Cross on SALZBURG24-Anfrage am Donnerstag. I am a notary, a notary and a practical profession on the Rettungswagen.

There is nothing wrong with the Unfallhergang. More messages.

(Quelle: SALZBURG24)

Retrieved on 28.11.2024 at 06:20