Palatinate – Established on November 27, 2024 on the B41 in Höhe der Abfahrt West Nahe Bad Sobernheim, a traffic accident, with one person, with Leben kam and three other persons were lost. The Unfall happened at 4:30 PM, as a 33-year-old Fahrer an Audi A4 from Richtung Nußbaum came head-on with a vaccinated Ford Transit collidierte, der in Fahrtrichtung Bad Sobernheim on the way to the war.
I am a Transporter who will go to Insassen again 58 years later. The intense consequences of the Audi fahrer are the most recent results. The second time the carriers engage is a bit of a letdown, but it is another step to go that far, which is neither one of the accident stories.
Die Verletzten wurden zur medizinischen Versorgung in uliegende Krankenhäuser. Both vehicles were completely destroyed by the accident, and the vehicles would have been destroyed on a moderately reasonable basis.
Die Unfallaufnahme erolgte in Zusammenarbeit with a Gutachter and under the Aufsicht der Staatsanwaltschaft Bad Kreuznach. The Genaue Ursache des Unfalls has not yet been cleared, there will soon be a day.
The B41, one of the connections, which was completely blocked during the Saarländische Nohfelden-führt, war in the Reach of the Unfalls. Take care of traffic management. Additional information was only released by the state prosecutor after the separation of the state bank. Subscribe JETZT to the new Blaulichtreport Saarland WhatsApp channel and IMMEDIATELY access the Laufenden (click here)