Recognizing Gefahren des Refeeding Syndromes – FOCUS online

The Refeeding Syndrome can occur in a phase of the manipulation at the rapid pace of the nahrung. Über Ursachen, Symptom and more therapy.

You can live in these days without losing weight or having healthy health and good appetite. After a longer phase of the negotiation has begun, the normal time of the beginning of the time is normal. If you have the feeling that there is a problem and on the way of the besserung, you may notice an uninterested complication. These symptoms, which can occur as a refeeding syndrome, describe the risks associated with the reproduction of the nahrung in a phase of the mangelernährung.

Was this Refeeding Syndrome?

The Refeeding Syndrome is a metabolic disorder that can lead to underweight or underweight individuals in a phase of disability or Mangelernährung zu fast or unsachgemäß Nahrung wieder zugeführt wird. When the fabric processing phase in the upholstery processes is carried out so well, it is true that the small Nährstoffen are released. If this passage is achieved with one of the pleasures of electrolytes and Nährstoffen, which are for the normal substances, it is not so. If the problem is as rapid or intense as you notice, respond with a reihe of the clotting, the Refeeding Syndrome can be performed.

Ursachen des Refeeding Syndromes

The problems with the refeeding syndromes are related to the pain and the care that the children receive for the nahrungsaufnahme. People, the vast majority of the time is not essential, there is an extreme form of the economy, when purchasing energy, the energy reserves from the muskel and the organism of the company. It can dramatically affect chemicals such as phosphate, potassium and magnesium. The rapid action of the nahrung, outside the carbohydrates, can cause a rapid action of insulin levels, was a very powerful flow of electrolytes and fluids into the zells of the next hat.

Diet plötzliche Anstieg an Insulin and der damit verunden Rückfluss von Electrolytes in the Zellen the following results can be achieved, while the kitchen is not used with the uninstalled mineral substances, one of which plötzlichen bedarf zu decken. In the following cases, some of the following substances can be addressed, such as the storage of herz-kreissystems, Atemproblems, Kreislauf-versagen and the autumn of the organschäden-führt.

Symptom of refeeding syndromes

The symptoms of refeeding syndromes can occur frequently and the problem is that all organ systems can be quickly affected. The biggest symptoms I heard:

  • Störungen in Elektrolythaushalt: Including the Mangle and Phosphate, Potassium and Magnesium are typical for the Refeeding Syndrome. There may be herzrhythmus störungen, muskelschwäche or sogar zu schwerwiegenden Krampfanfällen führen.
  • Herz-Kreislauf problem: These are the typical symptoms that show a high frequency, do not cause any problems and in the fallen Kreislaufversagen.
  • Atemprotected: Improved lung function can be achieved through water treatment and improved health.
  • Confusion and neurological disorders: If the device is strongly connected to Electrolyte, it can increase knowledge about its operation and delirium fuhren.
  • Müdigkeit und Schwäche: Der Körper hat nach meer Mangelernährung grime und Energie lost, was sich in allgemeiner Schwäche und Erschöpfung äußert.

This symptom may occur when the first phase begins with the onset of the problem.

Risk groups for the Refeeding Syndrome

If you continue in one phase of the manipulation, a Refeeding Syndrome occurs. The risk factors are high when the physical condition is high. The Hauptrisikogruppen heard:

  • Persons with anorexia: People with the essence of anorexia nervosa are outdated, but it is often a longer period of time that the pain is no longer so great.
  • Patients with chronic Erkrankungen: Chronic diseases with credit, chronic chronic disease, COPD and chronic mental insufficiency exceed the risks.
  • Alcohol dependent: Chronicer Alkoholmissbrauch führt häufig zu Mangelernährung und Mikronährstoffdefiziten.
  • Other people: If people think there are multiple functions or can go in the same direction, this is a problem.
  • Patients after surgery: Other gastrointestinal surgeries may pose a risk.
  • Malabsorption disorders: Diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, the adverse consequences of the disease outweigh the risks.

Therapy of Refeeding Syndromes

The treatment of the nutritional syndromes leads to poor medical care and poor treatment by the nahrung. The main elements of the therapy are:

  • Slow Calorienzufuhr: Energy supply will increase slowly and gradually, starting with a weight of 5–10 kcal/kg for an extended period of time.
  • Electrolyte substitution: A sensible replacement of electrolytes with phosphate, potassium and magnesium is essential. This oral or intravenous treatment can be performed.
  • Thiamine substitution: Thiamine acts prophylactically in all patients at risk who are replaced by a neurological disorder.
  • Fluidity management: A problem with troubleshooting and skipping the fluid is notorious, a risk that Flussigkeitsüberladung or mangle to minimize.
  • Monitoring: Adjustable working conditions for monitoring the electrolyte level and air flow management are unique, adding value to uncomplicated responsiveness to your energy bill.

Vorbeugung van Refeeding-Syndroms

The best strategy for the spread of refeeding syndromes lies in prevention. This allows the potential patients at risk to be identified and preventive measures to be taken. Dazu heard:

  • Ernahrungsassessment: A switch from the assessment when starting up in the Krankenhäuser or the Pflegee-inrichtungen, one of the Ernährungszustand and making the inheritance possible.
  • Langsame Widereinführung der Ernährung: A gradual and control over the treatment of patients at risk with regular monitoring of electrolyte levels and clinical parameters.
  • Education and awareness: Schulung van Pflegepersonal and the treatment of risks and management of Refeeding-Syndroms.
  • Patient information: Inform patients and care recipients of eight warnings and ensure medical attention.

Ansprechpartner und Hilfsangebote

If you are worried about the problem that you cannot avoid, you cannot take the help. In Germany there are different kinds of constructions, which could be very helpful:

  • Hausärzte: There is a first analysis for a grundlegende einschätzung and overweisung and a specialist.
  • Professional specialists: Experts for clinical trials can set maßgeschneiderte Ernährungspläne.
  • Psychiatrist and Psychologists: The essence of anorexia is a psychological involvement.
  • Hospital and specialty clinics: If the problem occurs, a drive is not normal.
  • Self-still groups: Contact with those affected can cause psychological problems in others and the Austausch von Erfahrungen ermöglichen.
  • Insane cases: Experts are at the Krankenkasse after examining costs for Ernährungstherapieën or psychological treatments.


The Refeeding Syndrome is a serious approach that can lead to the removal of the food after a phase of the manipulation. It is one of the separated companies that recognize the risk tower and take preventive measures to prevent serious damage. Affected sollten nicht zögern, medizinische Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen, und Angehörige sollten über die Gefahren und Symptom informs be. If you solve a problem and carry out a gradual processing of the work, you can minimize risks and increase prosperity again.

Uber Dr. med. University Matyas Galffy

Dr. med. University Matyas Galffy ist Facharzt für Psychiatrie und psychotherapeutische Medizin as well as Personzentrierter Psychotherapist. Human medicine and clinical neuroscience have been studied at the Medical University of Innsbruck and there is absolutely no question of a Facharztausbildung with Schwerpunkt Psychosomatics. You have a specialization in psychosomatic psychosomatic therapies followed by another diploma in palliativmedizine and spezieller Schmerztherapie. The Zuletzt war is one of the most important leaders of the special prechstunde for Angst- und Zwangsstörungen and the Universitätsklinik Innsbruck-tätig. Seither is a Lower Gelassener Arzt in Tyrol and Niederösterreich tätig. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind Angststörungen, Schmerzstörungen und Psychotraumatologie.

Wittiger Hinweis: There is no more general information and no self-diagnosis or self-therapy has been considered. If you think about the Refeeding Syndrome or the Verschlimmerung der Beschwerden, you may notice a problem or problem.

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