Indigene Kulturen: “Den Begriff Indianer sollte man nicht mehr used” – Kultur

Two native children, who were sucked into a mythical world through a magical gate on the Dachboden: Der Plot van David A. Robertson’s “Misewa” -Reihe recalls a the Narnia-Bücher by CS Lewis, connects the motivation of the Parallelwelt with the History of the Canadian First Nations, the Dordigen Ureinwohner. Robertson’s Saga is a bestseller, some of whose photos can be distributed in many cases, “Reise in the Norden” in Deutsch in Little-Tiger-Verlag. Seine Bücher trades with the indigenous population in Canada, from schmerzhaften Erinnerungen and the sogenannten Residential Schools, Internate, in den indigene Kinder von ihren Family berennt wurden, in being your Kultur nicht pflegen, ihre Sprachen nicht spread. Man has looked up David A. Robertson on video telephony, taking a hint from one of the flashy illustrations from his photos.