Zahlungsaufforderung von Culpa Inkasso im Auftrag von Score Alert LLC: Was steckt dahinter?

Viele Verbraucher messages derzeit von Zahlungsaufforderungen, die sie von der Culpa Inkasso GmbH im Auftrag der Firma Score Alert LLC. erhalten haben. Die Forderung bezieht sich auf angebliche Mitgliedschaften bei bonibuster.coma website, which provides service support and support for the support staff. But was it behind these Forderungen and who seriously is that company?

Wer ist Score Alert Ltd.?

Score Alert LLC is a company based in Belfast, Nordirland, which offers a variety of cost-related services in the area of ​​Bonitätsmanagement. The Geschäftsmodell based on Mitgliedschaften, which were oft canceled in Form von Abonnements. Verbraucher schließen diese Mitgliedschaften häufig unbeabsichtigt ab, da die Website mit verlockenden Angeboten wie kostenlosen Bonitätsprüfungen wirbt. If the printing is small, an automatic change in costs will be made, but it will not be corrected.

Was bietet an?

The website will help you understand the flexibility of your work, which you will appreciate and also help you with the “Correktur” of the Schufa-Einträgen zu unterstützen. This sounds like a great relief, but a realistic reflection means that the speeches can be enjoyed since:

  1. Bonitätsprüfung: Diese Dienstleistung wird von oft als besondere Leistung reformgehoben. You can also receive your own Schufa-Auskunft jedoch auch kostenlos eeninmal jährlich directly beantragen bei der Schufa.

  2. Schufacorrektur: Here it is suggested, that this should be done with ease and ease of use. In reality, the management of the Schufa-Einträgen is a clearly regulated procedure, both of the customers are happy to date directly both of the Schufa complaints. External Service Leader who could not offer special beets here.

Can this service provision be realistically achieved?

Those Service Leistungen, who were offered by, were otherwise unnötig (weil were able to pay for themselves) or with unrealistic Erwartungen. The Schufa-korrektur is more flexible now than possible, but it is also possible to have fun. A general „Reinigung“ of the Bonität is not durable, so that correct negative effects could not be resolved.

Was tun, wenn Sie eine Zahlungsaufforderung erhalten?

Bezahlen Sie bitte nicht vorschnell die gemachte Powerderung und welding Sie sich nicht durch die Mitteilungen in de Zahlungsaufforderungen beeinfussen. A possible solution can be found in the form of written instructions and written instructions and written instructions that can be obtained from the Portal Betreiber in writing by Einwurf-Einschreiben and sisterätzlich by Email wider, informed and researched. Here you will find information about the final information and the information provided for this purpose.

Who can help me?

If you wish to continue with your stay, you can visit here by email ([email protected]). They will continue to do so during their time, as well as the processing of their rights and legal rights and the further processing of their rights. Due to the fact that I am responsible for this, there are no business obligations and no additional costs. Aufgrund der täglichen Bearbeitung einer Vielzahl von Fällen zum Thema Abodelay and Verbraucherschutz I can be quick and competent with other halves. Die Vertretung und Beratung erolgt Bundesweit.