
The UD Board of Directors will meet

The UD Board of Directors will meet

The University of Delaware Board of Trustees will hold its spring biannual meeting at 3 p.m., Tuesday, May 14, at the STAR Tower Audition and stream it on UDLive. The meeting will be open to the public and will include time for members of the public to provide comments.

The agenda for this public meeting, listing the resolutions expected to be approved by the board on May 14, is available here.

No later than May 28, 2024, the draft minutes and a recording of the May 14 board meeting will be available on the board website.

Public comment process

A full account of the public consultation guidelines and a request form for those wishing to comment are available online. Those wishing to comment should complete the online request form. The form will be closed 72 hours before the start of the meeting. At the appropriate time during the meeting, individuals who have registered in advance to receive public comments will be invited to speak. Additional instructions will be provided to speakers for participating in the virtual meeting.

Individuals are limited to two minutes to present. A total of 10 minutes will be reserved for public comments. Speakers are prohibited from ceding public comment time to another person.

Questions regarding the Board of Trustees meeting and related materials can be emailed to [email protected].