
VIDEO: For Mother’s Day, do the moms in your life a favor. Stop Trump

VIDEO: For Mother’s Day, do the moms in your life a favor.  Stop Trump

And we refer Americans to President Biden’s speech at the 2008 DNC convention, speaking about the lessons he learned from his mother, Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden:

“I am so grateful that my mother, Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden, is here. You know, she taught her children – all the children who flocked to our house – that you are defined by your sense of honor and you are redeemed by your loyalty. She believes courage lives in every heart and she hopes it will be invoked.

“My mother’s credo is the American credo: No one is better than you. You are all equal and everyone is equal to you.

Throughout his life in public service and as president, Joe Biden carried his mother’s lessons with him every day.

Donald Trump does not understand these values. His life choices and policies reflect this.

On Mother’s Day, a reminder: Donald Trump only represents himself – not mothers across America and their families:

Biden-Harris 2024 lead spokesperson Lauren Hitt released the following statement:

“The stakes in this election are high for all Americans, but especially for moms across the country who will suffer under a second Trump term.

“Under Trump, the government will be allowed to monitor their pregnancies and tear their families apart. Meanwhile, President Biden is fighting to restore his historic expanded child tax credit to give families a little more relief and guarantee paid leave for all Americans.

“Families depend on moms – and moms deserve a president they can count on to protect their rights, work to lower their costs, and fight for them. Donald Trump was not and is not that president, but Joe Biden is.”