
Cassie breaks her silence

Cassie breaks her silence

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It’s been a few days since P. Diddy released his much-criticized apology video in which he took responsibility for assaulting Cassie in a hotel hallway in 2016. While many have weighed in on Diddy’s apology, Cassie remained a mother. Until now.

On her Instagram page, Cassie shared a statement in which she thanked everyone for supporting her after the video was released, but didn’t talk about Diddy himself or the apology. Writing about the current situation, Cassie made it a point to declare that domestic violence is “THE problem” that many women face at all levels and explained how it has affected her personal being, saying: “It m ‘broke up with someone I never thought I would become. With a lot of hard work, I am better today, but I will always recover from my past.

Offering some advice to anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation to when she was terrorized by “Brother Love,” Cassie added, “I offer my hand to those who still live in fear. Contact your colleagues, don’t cut them off. No one should carry this weight alone. The healing journey is never-ending, but this support means everything to me. THANKS. Love always, Cassie.

You all know Diddy is wondering somewhere why his apology didn’t receive the same love and support as Cassie’s statement.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand why P. Diddy’s video was met with such scorn, as many remember that Cassie’s original lawsuit against him not only accused her of physical abuse, but also forced her to have intimate relationships with other men while he watched. , among other things. It was something quite disturbing.

While Diddy remained defiant and maintained his innocence (even after immediately settling out of court), the release of the video of him kicking and dragging Cassie was the nail in the coffin of what remained of his reputation and even his career.

What do you think of Cassie’s statement? Let us know in the comments section below.