
I traveled 35 hours to meet a friend online; I’m glad I did it

I traveled 35 hours to meet a friend online;  I’m glad I did it

The author flew from Australia to El Salvador to meet his online friend in person.
Courtesy of the author

  • I became a full-time writer during COVID-19 and spent hours connecting with other writers online.
  • Even though I live all over the world, it was Joe who connected me the most.
  • On a whim, I finally decided to visit him.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I decided to sell my travel business and become a full-time writer.

It was a huge change for me. I went from working in an office surrounded by colleagues to being at home 24/7, and work alone. To overcome loneliness, I joined various writing platforms and discussion groups and met many other writers who felt the same way.

One person I communicated with was Joe.

On paper, we were very different. Joe was in his early thirties and lived in El Salvador, and worked several jobs to support his family. I was living in Australia, in my 40s, and had just sold a successful business. Despite our different backgrounds, we got along well and quickly became great friends.

We would edit each other’s work and help with idea generation and feedback

Even if English is my first language, although Joe’s was Spanish, he seemed to have a much better knowledge of grammar rules and often corrected my mistakes. Sometimes I felt like I was back at school. We talked every day and during the two years I was confined in Australia, I considered Joe my work colleague and a good friend.

When the world opened up at the end of 2021, we didn’t communicate as much as we should have because we were busy with family, work, and other things.

Our posts went from daily to weekly, and soon we were only checking in every other month. Despite this, when I started write my second book in 2023, I asked Joe to help me modify it. Once the book was released, I mailed a signed copy to Joe.

Unfortunately, the book was lost somewhere in the United States.

I was following the book, but after five months it had not yet arrived in El Salvador and the USPS postal service had lost its location. I joked with Joe that he wouldn’t see my book unless I hand-delivered it to him. Joe laughed and agreed.

Then I made a spontaneous promise: life is short, so I committed to travel around the world to personally give him a copy of my book. Joe didn’t believe me, but I was determined.

I flew to meet him in person

Four weeks later, I was tired and jet-lagged in the humid El Salvador weather, anxiously awaiting Joe’s arrival at my hotel.

For some reason I felt nervous, like I was on a blind date. As soon as Joe got out of an Uber he had a big smile and we walked over. Soon he was showing me around San Salvador while we chatted like old friends, which we were. He took me to his favorite pupuseria to try the iconic national dish: pupusa. It was surreal to sit and eat with Joe after all this time.

The author and his friend eating pupusas.
Courtesy of the author

Over the next few days we visited El Salvador and I met his wife and daughter.

Even though it took 35 hours to get from Melbourne to San Salvador, I was very happy to have made this trip. Too often we meet people online, but we only see them behind a screen. So it was great to turn a digital friend into a real friend. On the last day before I left to make the long journey home, Joe made me a promise. He’s writing a fantastic book, and when it’s finished he’ll hand deliver it to me in Melbourne.