
Shocked Internet users are just discovering what the G stands for in 5G

Shocked Internet users are just discovering what the G stands for in 5G

Since its inception in 1979, the term “1G” has been bandied about, but many mobile users have no idea what the “G” stands for. In today’s digital age, where everything is moving at a breakneck pace, you are most likely accessing a 4G or 5G network on your mobile, ensuring super-fast internet access that keeps you seamlessly connected to the digital world.

The cutting-edge 5G network, gradually introduced and supported by the latest smartphones, offers speeds up to 100 times faster than previous 4G. However, since its launch in 2019, 5G has been the subject of controversy, with some conspiracy theorists linking it to the Covid-19 virus.

A government statement denied these unfounded rumors: “There is no evidence of a link between 5G and coronavirus. These theories have been rejected by scientific experts at the World Health Organization and Full Fact, an independent fact-checking charity based in the United Kingdom. »

“Viruses cannot travel on radio waves or mobile networks. The coronavirus is also spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks. Full Fact makes it clear that there is no evidence that the 5G is harmful to humans and does not accelerate the spread of the coronavirus.

Amid all this, curiosity has been aroused about the meaning of the “G” and the distinctions between generations of technology, from 1G to the now widespread 5G. Perplexing questions appeared online, with one Reddit user posting: “What does the ‘G’ stand for smartphones? ”, while another probes: “What is the difference between 4G and 3G? And is there 2G or just G? , reports the Mirror US.

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone introduced 1G to the world in Tokyo in 1979, marking it as the first generation of cellular network technology, which was a step forward from earlier mobile radiotelephone systems, now known as pre-cellular or generation zero (0G). . In five years, this technological marvel has spread throughout Japan.

This innovation laid the foundations for subsequent generations 2G, 3G, 4G and the current 5G, with the “G” symbolizing “generation”. After its debut in Japan, the United States got its first taste of 1G in 1983 through Ameritech, followed shortly by Canada.

The evolution continued with Finland’s launch of 2G on the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) in 1991, celebrated for “improved sound quality, reducing static and crackling while you talk.” As the wheel of technology spun faster, the world saw the advent of 3G, 4G and now 5G, with mobile phone companies around the world ushering in these new eras.

Other generations are expected to emerge in the future.

A blurb on Cengn states: “Although 5G has not yet launched globally, its new network capabilities will lead to the next digital revolution. 5G is so fast that it’s pretty limiting to think only about mobile usage. The next generation of wireless cellular technology will improve machine-to-machine connectivity by creating a new automated society. Technologies such as AI, IoT and Cloud Computing will make extraordinary progress in the coming years.

“In healthcare alone, 5G is revolutionizing the way healthcare professionals and patients work together. On the 5G network, artificial intelligence will soon diagnose and develop treatment plans for you better than your doctor could never. Soon, robots could be walking around farmers’ fields, monitoring crop conditions and harvesting grain.

“5G isn’t just about faster mobile internet. It’s not just about faster download speeds, either. 5G is a game-changer, revolutionizing the way we live and work across every industry, not just only in one. It will change almost every aspect of our lives going to work in the morning, growing our food and even supporting our favorite sports teams 5G will completely change our lives, but we don’t even know the possibilities yet. Similar to how 1G changed ours over 40 years ago whatever, the evolution begins now.

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