
A silent killer: Nigeria’s growing battle against cardiovascular disease

A silent killer: Nigeria’s growing battle against cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) – a term encompassing heart disease, stroke and other conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels – has become one of the major health threats in Nigeria. Although this trend reflects a global increase in cardiovascular disease, the situation in Nigeria presents unique challenges.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 17.9 million people die from cardiovascular diseases each year worldwide, with more than 75 percent of them in low- and middle-income countries like Nigeria. Here, insufficient public awareness, limited access to screening programs and weak health infrastructure all contribute to an increase in deaths.

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Risk factors on the rise

Several factors are fueling a perfect storm of heart problems in Nigeria. One key factor is the country’s growing elderly population. As more Nigerians live longer, the natural consequence is an increase in age-related health problems, with cardiovascular disease a major concern. Added to this trend are the increasingly unhealthy lifestyles adopted by many Nigerians. Busy schedules and urbanization often lead to physical inactivity, with people glued to screens instead of lacing up their sneakers.

Additionally, the shift toward processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive salt consumption is creating a time bomb for heart health. Worse still, smoking remains a significant public health challenge, further increasing the risk of cardiovascular complications. This confluence of factors requires a comprehensive approach to combating cardiovascular diseases in Nigeria.

“We are seeing a significant increase in risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity,” says Dr. Olurotimi Badero, chief interventional cardiologist and director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at Iwosan Lagoon Hospitals. “These conditions place immense strain on the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other complications.”

Limited resources, high stakes

Nigeria’s health system faces a significant challenge in combating cardiovascular diseases. The country has a limited number of hospitals equipped to handle complex cardiac procedures, with only 13 centers performing cardiac surgery nationwide. Additionally, the shortage of qualified cardiologists creates a bottleneck in access to proper diagnosis and treatment.

“Public hospitals can leverage the expertise and advanced technology of private institutions, while private entities can gain valuable insight into the specific needs of the broader community. »

“A major barrier is the lack of investment in large-scale specialized care,” says Dr. Badero. “While some developed countries have made significant progress in reducing cardiovascular diseases through public health initiatives, Nigeria is still working towards establishing such a system.”

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A glimmer of hope: investing in excellence

Despite the daunting challenges facing cardiovascular care in Nigeria, institutions like Iwosan Lagoon Hospital are emerging as beacons of hope. Their Center of Excellence in Cardiology and Cardiac Care is a testament to their unwavering commitment to bridging the gap. This center is a game-changer, providing patients with access to an arsenal of advanced diagnostic tools. Please envision a future in which complex heart problems can be identified with remarkable accuracy, allowing rapid intervention.

The days of invasive procedures are over; At Iwosan Lagoon, minimally invasive techniques are the norm. This results in faster recovery times, less discomfort for patients and an overall more positive experience. But their commitment goes beyond just technology. The center prioritizes personalized treatment plans, ensuring that each patient receives a tailored approach that meets their unique needs and medical history. This signifies a move toward a future of holistic care, in which patients are not just treated for an illness, but treated as individuals.

“Our goal is to provide exceptional patient care through cutting-edge technology,” says Dr. Badero. “We have invested in a modern catheterization laboratory that allows us to diagnose and treat a wide range of heart conditions with greater precision and efficiency.

Beyond treatment: a holistic approach

Iwosan Lagoon Hospital recognizes the importance of prevention and patient education. They conduct community outreach programs to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease risk factors and early detection methods. Additionally, they offer subsidized procedures to ensure affordability is not a barrier to life-saving care.

A collective effort for a healthier future

While the commendable efforts made by individual hospitals like the one at Iwosan Lagoon are a glimmer of hope, truly bringing this silent killer under control requires a multi-pronged attack from various stakeholders. Imagine a future in which cutting-edge heart centers like these are not isolated exceptions, but rather the norm across the country. This vision can be achieved through increased government investment in healthcare infrastructure. This could involve building new hospitals equipped with cutting-edge technology, renovating existing facilities and ensuring they are staffed with adequate and qualified medical staff.

Furthermore, it is vital to devote more resources to funding research. By supporting Nigerian researchers, we can develop evidence-based strategies for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, specifically tailored to address the unique risk factors present in the Nigerian population. Finally, fostering collaboration between public and private healthcare providers can unlock a treasure trove of benefits. Public hospitals can leverage the expertise and advanced technology of private institutions, while private entities can gain valuable insight into the specific needs of the broader community.

This spirit of collaboration can not only accelerate innovation in treatment methods, but also lead to more effective mobilization of resources, ensuring that life-saving interventions become more accessible to all Nigerians.

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“We believe the key lies in a collective effort,” says Fola Laoye, co-founder and CEO of Iwosan Investments Limited. “By addressing the various contributing factors, strengthening health systems and fostering collaboration at all levels of society, Nigeria can make significant progress in defeating this silent killer. »

Nigeria’s fight against cardiovascular disease is far from over. However, through increased awareness, investments in specialized care and a commitment to prevention, the country can build a healthier future for its citizens.