
om Kean Jr. still silent on Donald Trump’s criminal conviction

om Kean Jr. still silent on Donald Trump’s criminal conviction

Tom Kean Jr. remains silent on Donald Trump’s criminal conviction
Days after Donald Trump was convicted on 34 counts, Tom Kean Jr. offered nothing but complete and utter radio silence.

For what? Because no matter how much Kean Jr. tries to act like a moderate on the campaign trail, he still remains loyal to Donald Trump — even if that means standing alongside a convicted felon.

Kean Jr. supported Donald Trump the morning of his sentencing, but has since remained silent after the decision was handed down. He owes New Jersey voters an answer as to why he still supports a convicted felon for president.

Aidan Johnson, DCCC spokesperson:
“If Tom Kean Jr. truly cared about ‘law and order,’ he would convict this 34-time convicted felon instead of hiding. Kean Jr.’s silence proves once again that he cares more about party politics and fear of their would-be dictator than fighting for the people of New Jersey.

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