
Donald Trump attacks his enemies with ‘Bring out the guillotine’ message | US News

Donald Trump attacks his enemies with ‘Bring out the guillotine’ message |  US News

Former President Donald Trump sent the message “Bring out the guillotine!”  » waiting in line during a Wednesday fundraising email blast

Former President Donald Trump sent the message “Bring out the guillotine!” » line during a fundraising email blast Wednesday (Photos: Trump Campaign/Getty Images)

Former President Donald Trump’s vengeful rhetoric took a disturbing turn with his latest message: “GET OUT THE GUILLOTINE!” »

The phrase was addressed to his supporters in a fundraising email blast for the Trump campaign on Wednesday.

At first glance, it may seem aimed at Trump’s political enemies, but in reality it accuses his opponents of seeking to decapitate him and presents him as a victim.

“Remember when that sick Kathy Griffin used to go around parading my DECAPED head when I was president?!” the email states, referring to a 2017 photo of the American comedian holding a fake decapitated head that resembled Trump.

Former President Donald Trump's guillotine line referenced a 2017 photo of American comedian Kathy Griffin holding a fake decapitated head resembling her.

Former President Donald Trump’s guillotine line referenced a 2017 photo of American comedian Kathy Griffin holding a fake decapitated head resembling her (Photo: FilmMagic)

“The radical left ACLAIMED!” Obama and Biden were SILENT! And the fake news blew it up everywhere! »

Trump continued his oft-used phrase, implying that he is protecting his fans from Democrats and liberals.

“The SAD and HORRIFIC TRUTH is that this is STILL the sick dream of every deranged Trump lunatic! And it’s not just me they want to disappear, THEY’RE REALLY COMING FOR YOU,” the ex-president wrote.

Fundraising email blast took place on Wednesday

The fundraising email blast took place on Wednesday (Photo: Trump campaign)

The email ended with “SICK SICK SICK!” » and included a link to donate to his 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump has taken on his opponents even more since becoming the first US president to be convicted of a crime after a New York jury found him guilty of 34 counts of tampering with business records during his secret trial.

His opponents believe he is fighting even harder to win the White House in order to escape punishment. Trump’s sentencing in the hush money case is scheduled for July 11, and he faces probation or parole of up to four years in prison per offense.

Former President Donald Trump claimed his enemies wanted to behead him

Former President Donald Trump claimed his enemies wanted to behead him (Photo: Reuters)

Trump is known for using inflammatory language in his fundraising speeches.

After he was convicted criminally on May 30, his campaign received a “record” $34.8 million in small donations.

Trump, who has called on his fans to challenge the 2020 election results, has been accused of using language inciting violence during the Capitol riots. Some of his supporters erected a gallows and noose on the west facade of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

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