
Meet the valedictorian and salutatorian of Sandy Creek High School

Meet the valedictorian and salutatorian of Sandy Creek High School

We asked two top students some interesting questions about themselves and they provided answers that shed light on their future plans and unique personalities.

We hope you enjoy their answers as much as we do.

>> See the full Class of 2024 list and back-to-school information

Sandy Creek valedictorian Hannah White, left, and salutatorian Maddox Palmer

Sandy Creek High School Valedictorian

Name: Hannah White

Parents: Matthew White and Christie Quenville

Town/town: Sandy Creek

Your plans for the next few years: I plan to attend Clarkson University starting in the fall.

What are your career plans? After graduation, I plan to work in the STEM field.

Do you have any advice for first graders? Try anything that may interest you because it’s never too late to learn something new.

What was the highlight of your final year? Participating in extracurricular activities and varsity sports because of all the connections I made with my classmates, advisors, and coaches.

Who inspired you the most and why? Mr. Cheney, my coach, has inspired me because of his support and encouragement in every aspect of my life.

What do you do to relax or unwind? Spending time with my friends and participating in sports helps me relax.

What word or phrase best describes your personality? “To define is to limit.” -Oscar Wilde

What is the most important or sentimental thing you take from home when you go off to college? Photos of my family and friends

What would your life be like when you were the same age as your parents today? I hope to have a career that I am passionate about with a satisfying personal life.

What is one thing you learned at the end of high school that you wish you had known from the beginning? Don’t be afraid to ask questions and use all your resources to ensure success.

At least what is one thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime? Be happy!

Sandy Creek High School Salutatorian

Name: Maddox Palmer

Parents: Misty Gibbs and Barry Palmer

Town/village: Lacona

Your plans for the next few years: Attend Clemson University with a major in business administration.

What are your career plans? My career plan is to become a wolf on Wall Street.

What was the highlight of your final year? Spending time with my friends during spring break.

Who inspired you the most and why? Saul Goodman because of his intelligence

What do you do to relax or unwind? Play video games.

What word or phrase best describes your personality? Awesome

What is the most important or sentimental thing you take from home when you go away to college? My computer

What would your life be like when you were the same age as your parents today? I imagine being successful and rich.

What is one thing you learned at the end of high school that you wish you had known from the beginning? How important would teachers and my school counselor be to guide me through high school.

At least what is one thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime? I hope to succeed.

More soon

To celebrate the Class of 2024, we will release graduation lists and Q&As with each school’s valedictorian and salutatorian, or alternates from more than 60 Central New York schools. All the covers and more can be found on our High School Life page.


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>>A complete list of’s high school graduation coverage