
Letter: New West should consider restrictions on pressure washing

Letter: New West should consider restrictions on pressure washing

This letter writer believes that summer watering restrictions should also include a clause on the use of electric or pressure washers.

The editor:

I believe pressure washing has become the new scourge for those of us who want to save water.

On my way home from a walk along the Quay, I heard one of my neighbors using a pressure washer – probably on his terrace.

Now, this doesn’t seem like something that would require a lot of water, you say, but what if we all did you do this?

A few weeks ago I saw someone doing the public sidewalk in front of their building – imagine how much water would be used if we all did that.

So, friends and neighbors; If aesthetics are so important to you, consider using our potable water to clean your horizontal surfaces only during the rainy season.

Come to think of it, we have watering restrictions for lawns, shrubs and gardens, perhaps we need similar restrictions for concrete and asphalt.

Perhaps there is a city councilor who would like to think about this question.

I would be very interested to know what your readers think of this idea.

– Chris Dumfries, New Westminster