
American shocked to see people not reacting to public proposal in Netherlands

American shocked to see people not reacting to public proposal in Netherlands

When most people think of proposals, they imagine a magical moment in a beautiful location. However, this is not the truth for many other cultures around the world. So when a man, Onyisi – who goes by @onyisimadagaska on Instagram – witnessed a proposal in a public place in the Netherlands, he was confused. He observes that everyone around the couple ignores them and does not encourage them at all. So he went to the platform to share this moment and talk about cultural difference. He wondered why people acted like it wasn’t a “special moment.”

Image Source: Instagram |  @onyisimadagaska
Image Source: Instagram | @onyisimadagaska

The man was traveling on a tram when someone proposed to his girlfriend. The couple looked pretty excited as the boyfriend got down on one knee and the woman said yes. The couple kissed to celebrate the moment. However, there was radio silence from everyone as people looked at their phones or went about their business as they usually would. The man is surprised because he is the only one to encourage the couple and applaud to congratulate them.

Image Source: Instagram |  @onyisimadagaska
Image Source: Instagram | @onyisimadagaska

“Why are you acting like this isn’t a special moment?” » asked the man, clapping. “Wow, congratulations!” he exclaimed. “It’s a special moment and everyone acts like it’s not special,” the man said, looking out the window wistfully. The man got off the tram and started talking to the camera: “You know, if this was America, the way people would shout, ‘Oh my God, congratulations!’ » » The man advised the Dutch to relax a little.

“Someone just proposed to their wife, you tap your phone,” he continued. The man simply couldn’t believe what he had just seen and let out a sigh of frustration. “You know, show your enthusiasm and make his day,” the man told people. “Even the guy who was recording with his phone was like that,” he said, making a face. “Ah! Don’t you like love?”

Image Source: Instagram |  @elise211003
Image Source: Instagram | @elise211003
Image Source: Instagram |  @geenrosewolk
Image Source: Instagram | @geenrosewolk

The video was viewed 2.2 million times and people took to the comments section to explain why they would have done the same thing as the crowd while others sympathized with the couple. Few also thought the setting was not ideal for a proposal. The man captioned the video: “I wish he could propose in a more picturesque setting, but what really matters is the true love we share.”

@tiffany_thirsa wrote: “I wouldn’t have congratulated them either because I would have thought it was a prank. Proposing on the tram? The bar is in hell.” @xsarahhh commented: “Maybe they met on the tram so it’s the perfect place to propose, but people need to clap no matter where.” @toma.tish commented: “Special moment for them. Monday morning for me. It’s their private thing. No need to involve complete strangers.”

@margrietagram said: “These reactions are not negative. If you don’t know these people, then the action itself can be rather embarrassing as a casual viewer. What do foreigners have to do with it? People are just trying to get home. , at work, at the gym or whatever. Most people in the Netherlands see a proposal as something more intimate. They just don’t know why it matters to them.

You can follow Onyisi (@onyisimadagaska) on Instagram for more lifestyle content.