
“My boyfriend is trying to stop me from going to the gym – it’s so unfair”

“My boyfriend is trying to stop me from going to the gym – it’s so unfair”

An 18-year-old woman doesn’t know what to do after her boyfriend strongly advised her going to the gym could impact their relationship – she turned to the internet for advice.

What would you do if your partner wanted you to leave the gym? (stock image)(Getty Images)

If you thought an obsession with the gym couldn’t affect your love life, think again.

It’s no secret that going to the gym is a fantastic way to improve your health and fitness. But for a couple, it’s an incredible source of endless arguments – and neither party shows any sign of backing down.

The delicate situation came to light this week after an 18-year-old woman told her boyfriend she was considering joining a gym. Since her partner also regularly visits the gym, she figured it wouldn’t be a problem and said so without batting an eyelid.

But the anonymous woman couldn’t have been further from the truth, with her partner of 19 years soon expressing his strong dislike for the idea. “Whenever I talked to him about it, he said he really didn’t want me to change my body and was afraid I wouldn’t feel the same physically (like if we hugged or something). thing like that),” she said anonymously on Reddit.

“He even asked me why I wanted to go anyway, and I told him I thought it would be good for me and that I would have my own goals.” The couple, who have been together for just over a year, have discussed it many times, but they seem stuck in a rut.

Although the writer wants to focus on herself and her personal fitness goals, she is afraid that exercising will harm their relationship. She continued, “He still doesn’t want me to go, even after I’ve discussed it with him several times. It seems unfair and I still don’t know what I should do. Should I go when even ?

“I don’t want our relationship of a year and a half to end because of something like going to the gym and working out.” Unsurprisingly, the anonymous confession has since racked up countless comments on the platform, with various users fearing that her partner is “controlling.”

One person wrote: “Your boyfriend is too bossy. Maybe he’s not the right person for you if this is a hill he wants to stand firmly on. You don’t have you don’t need another person’s permission to exercise and go to the gym… (Unless it’s financial and you want them to pay for your gym membership…”