
Extra lab funding needed to avoid ‘unfair’ advantage under Leaving Cert reforms – The Irish Times

Extra lab funding needed to avoid ‘unfair’ advantage under Leaving Cert reforms – The Irish Times

Secondary schools may need additional laboratory facilities under new Leaving Cert reforms to ensure pupils in less well-equipped schools are not disadvantaged, according to an internal Department for Education report.

Under senior cycle changes planned for second level schools from September next year, students will be required to complete science practical work worth 40% of grades from year five in subjects including physics, biology and chemistry.

However, a report received by Education Minister Norma Foley from a group she created to oversee these planned reforms notes that the availability of science labs and equipment “varies significantly from school to school” according to the stakeholders.

“It was put to us that some schools will need additional facilities and resources and that a minimum or recommended timetable for science equipment for schools should be established,” the report said.

“It is argued that this would help to ensure equitable access to the facilities and resources needed for students to engage in the types of activities involved in the additional assessment components in science subjects. The board believes this argument has a lot of merit.

There is, however, little time left to upgrade school facilities, as the revised biology, chemistry and physics curriculum will be introduced in schools from September 2025.

The comments are contained in the Cycle Redevelopment Program Implementation Board’s latest report to Ms Foley, dated March 2024. The board is chaired by the department’s former chief inspector, Dr Harold Hislop.

The Irish Science Teachers’ Association and the Irish Universities Association are among those to have expressed concern in recent months that students at wealthier schools may have better access to laboratory equipment and technicians , which would place them in an unfairly advantageous position.

Both organizations noted, for example, that the provision of laboratory technicians to all schools is important, but is currently limited “mainly to fee-paying schools”.

The last audit of school laboratories in 2002 found that an investment of €142 million would be needed to bring them up to world-class standards.

A more recent report from the State Examinations Commission in 2018 warned that “it would not be prudent to assume that laboratory facilities and equipment in schools are currently of a sufficient standard to support the deployment of this model of testing.” practical evaluation without additional investments. the extent of which remains to be determined.

In response to questions from The Irish Times newspaper, a Department for Education spokesperson said it was exploring how schools could be supported in introducing the new science curricula.

“This will involve consideration of resource and facilities needs before the introduction of revised specifications for those entering year five in 2025.”

He added that it is not expected that students’ practical work will be limited to laboratory work only.

More generally, he said, the department provides science laboratories for the construction of all new post-primary schools and such facilities can also be provided when a major construction or renovation project is underway for a existing school.

The department said it was open to an education authority to make a request for additional premises for the provision of a science laboratory.

Existing schools can also apply for the renovation of their science laboratories, including replacement of equipment, as part of the summer works programme.

The Furniture and Equipment (F&E) section within the department also handles requests for replacement of broken and obsolete F&E for specialist rooms (including science laboratories).