
Message from the MNO President (June edition)

Message from the MNO President (June edition)

Message from the MNO President (June edition)

Message from the President of the Métis Nation of Ontario

— June edition —

As we enter the month of June, a month dedicated to honoring and celebrating the rich history, culture and contributions of Indigenous peoples across Canada, I am reminded of how grateful I am to our Métis communities here in Ontario. Indigenous History Month and Indigenous Peoples’ Day on June 21 provide us with an opportunity to reflect on our heritage, celebrate our achievements and come together as a community.

As we face misinformation and unwarranted attacks on who we are, it has never been more important that our mixed-race communities are proud to share their stories. The last year has been very difficult for Métis people as we have seen false and hurtful statements about us in the media. This Indigenous History Month, the MNO will redouble its efforts to share the truth about Métis history in Ontario and in our communities. MNO citizens and allies can help by visiting and sharing content from Ontario Métis Facts Website.

A very busy month of June

In addition to sharing our story online and in the media, we will be at many events this month! As an example, the MNO participated in the Indigenous History and Heritage Gathering in Ottawa from June 2-4 with information from the Sault Ste. Marie, which is a treasure trove of Métis artifacts and exhibits that beautifully tell the story of our journey and contributions. We will also present the Powley traveling exhibition, providing an in-depth look at the historic Powley case and its profound impact on our rights and recognition as a mixed race people.

The month of June also marks an important milestone in our history. In 2019, it was this month that we signed the Métis Government Recognition and Self-Government Agreement (MGRSA). This agreement was a step toward self-government, affirming our rights and paving the way for the NMO to become an even stronger, self-determined Métis government.

June is also Pride Month! This month, and every month, we recognize, celebrate, and stand in solidarity with our Métis Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ friends and family. We love and support you for exactly who you are!


The new PCMNO gathered for a second orientation session and its inaugural meeting this month. At this meeting, I was pleased to announce the appointment of seven new provincial secretaries and the adoption of crucial resolutions that will shape the future of Métis government in Ontario.

All MNO citizens are invited to an online town hall on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. I will share information about recent PCMNO meetings and provide updates across the MNO. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

I got an early start celebrating National Indigenous History Month at the Barrie South Simcoe and Moon River Métis Council Early Learning Camp on May 31. There’s nothing like spending time with over 100 mixed-race children and youth to get you excited for summer!

On June 10, I had the chance to attend the opening of the International Indigenous Music Summit, and on June 14. On June 21, we are hosting a virtual tea party to honor Métis history as well as many other events in Ontario’s Métis communities, marking the summer solstice and National Indigenous Peoples Day. And of course, there will be various Pride celebrations across the province this month that Métis citizens will participate in, including the Two-Spirit Powwow in Toronto where the Toronto-York Region Métis Council once again once held a stand. I hope you can join us for one of the many events in June.

Get the facts!

I want to once again encourage you all to stay connected and informed by visiting the Ontario Métis Facts website. This platform is a resource to learn more about our history, culture and current initiatives. You can also follow our social media pages to discover stories from across our communities. Your engagement and participation in telling our stories is essential to keeping our Métis spirit alive and thriving.

I wish you all a happy and enriching Indigenous History Month!

Margaret Froh
President, Métis Nation of Ontario