
Dead frog found in a packet of chips in Jamnagar, Gujarat

Dead frog found in a packet of chips in Jamnagar, Gujarat

New Delhi,UPDATED: June 19, 2024 6:43 PM IST

In a shocking incident that alarmed residents of Pushkardham society in Jamnagar, Gujarat, a dead frog was found in a packet of wafers. Jasmeet Patel, who resides in Pushkardham Society Street No. 5, was in for an unpleasant surprise after purchasing the packet yesterday.

Jasmeet Patel bought the wafers and ate half of them the night before. However, it was not until the next morning that the disturbing discovery was made. Jasmeet’s daughter opened the package and was horrified to find a dead frog inside. Alarmed by the discovery, Jasmeet Patel quickly contacted the food wing of the Jamnagar Municipal Corporation to report the incident.

Officials from the Directorate General of Food reacted quickly and visited Patel’s home to inspect the package. After confirming the presence of the dead frog, they took samples of the contaminated platelets as well as other platelets from the same batch for testing. Officials aim to determine how the contamination occurred and ensure the safety and quality of food products available to consumers.

This incident raised significant concerns about the wafer manufacturer’s food safety standards and quality control measures. Residents of Pushkardham Society and surrounding areas are eagerly awaiting the results of the survey.

In recent days, after incidents of flies, cockroaches and lizards coming out during meals in hotels and restaurants, questions have been raised about the negligence of hotel-restaurant operators. So far, no statement has been made by the chip company on this incident. It now remains to be seen whether the local municipality will take action on this matter or whether it will simply impose a financial penalty.

Published by:

Srimoyee Chowdhury

Published on:

June 19, 2024