
Gibsonville to consider permanent weekend social district

Gibsonville to consider permanent weekend social district

The Gibsonville City Council, which created an “event” social district in April, is apparently willing to consider expanding the idea so that the social district can be implemented every Thursday, Friday and Saturday – regardless to find out if there is a special event happening downtown. .

The new proposal would establish a “permanent social neighborhood” with opening hours of 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays and 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturdays.

The board has scheduled a public hearing for its July 15 meeting (after canceling its first meeting of the month, otherwise scheduled for July 1).

City Manager Ben Baxley said the City Council received and approved applications for: April 11 (Gibsonville Girls’ Night); June 1 and 15 for the “Groovin’ on the Green” concerts; and June 19 (celebration of the nineteenth). The board has already approved additional concerns for July 6, August 3 and September 14.

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Board member Irene Fanelli explained that individual approvals “are going to be cumbersome,” noting that other cities have their social districts “permanently.”