
Stupid armed robber arrested after removing mask – right in front of CCTV camera

Stupid armed robber arrested after removing mask – right in front of CCTV camera

Dense Stephen Dixon-Waterworth unmasked and received a six-year prison sentence after removing his mask in front of a store security camera as police swooped in

Stephen Dixon-Waterworth gave away the game during the corner store raid (West Yorkshire Police/SWNS)

A bungling armed robber has been jailed after being arrested while removing his mask right in front of a CCTV camera.

Stephen Dixon-Waterworth, who raided a family convenience store in Leeds, Yorkshire, was found by police after removing his blanket, ensuring he could be quickly identified. Dixon-Waterworth was with an accomplice who targeted the N&D Parker newsagents in Beeston, making off with the contents of the till and packets of cigarettes.

Leeds Crown Court heard the owner and an assistant were in the store, on the corner of Cross Flatts Grove and Marsden Grove, at around 5am on March 5 this year. At around 6.20am they noticed a man looking out of the window, before a second man burst in – it was soon realized to be Dixon-Waterworth – brandishing what appeared to be a pistol.

He was followed by the other man and they were both wearing dark surgical masks. The gun was pointed at the owner, who was ordered to open the cash register. He did so and gave her all of the money, which amounted to around £200. Dixon-Waterworth then demanded cigarettes, with around 20 packs placed on the counter before being put into a bag.

They then asked the workers to hand over their cell phones, but were told that none of them had any, so they fled. But Dixon-Waterworth removed his mask enough for CCTV footage to be analyzed by police, and he was identified and arrested. The 40-year-old man denied any involvement and the weapon turned out to be a fake.

Held on remand at HMP Lincoln, he appeared in court this week via video link where he admitted a charge of theft and possession of an imitation firearm. The other man has never been identified. Dixon-Waterworth, of no fixed address, has 47 previous convictions for 126 offences.

Michael Walsh admitted Dixon-Waterworth had a long criminal record and added: “That said, this level of seriousness is an excursion. With this in mind, he has focused on thinking about the effects of his criminal offending. C “This is a man who shows genuine remorse and understands the consequences of his offense. This is something he may not have done in the past.”

Judge Geoffrey Marson KC sentenced him to six years in prison.