
Meet the Crew: Sean Sawdon

Meet the Crew: Sean Sawdon

As we near the end of Stage 7, this seems like a great opportunity to introduce Sean Sawdon, who signed up for Stage 7 in January 2022, and reflect on a journey deeply influenced by the legacy of his father.

Sean’s journey began in the serene, open landscapes of rural Minnesota. His early years were marked by a deep connection to adventure and exploration, instilled in him by his father.

Sean’s father was an avid sailor in California, whose daring sense of adventure and love of the sea ignited Sean’s passion for sailing. Growing up, Sean was captivated by his father’s tales of sailing the Pacific, tales that painted vibrant images of the vast oceans and the thrill of uncharted waters. These stories became a compass for Sean, guiding him toward a life of exploration and curiosity.

However, life took a difficult turn when Sean’s parents divorced when he was 12. The separation not only took Sean away from California, but also from the adventurous lifestyle he associated with his father. Despite the physical distance, the bond between father and son remained strong, anchored by their shared love of the sea.

Eventually, Sean’s life experiences brought him closer to his father, resulting in him becoming his father’s sole guardian later in life, a role that deepened their bond.

In 2007, Sean began his university career by pursuing studies in mechanical engineering. This path led him to his current role as an engineer in the cardiology sector at Teleflex Inc. Although his career is marked by technical expertise and precision, the adventurous spirit that his father nurtured in him does not has never been denied.

Sean’s thirst for exploration extended beyond the shores of the United States. He traveled extensively during his youth, often taking cross-country trips with his girlfriend. His first international adventure came in 2013, when he traveled to Berlin to experience the city’s rich culture and history. This was followed by a period working in Costa Rica and a few weeks exploring the UK, with each trip broadening his horizons and deepening his appreciation of different cultures.

The passing of Sean’s father in 2021 due to Covid-related complications was a time of deep loss and reflection. This reignited Sean’s long-held desire to compete in the Clipper Race, a dream he had been reluctant to pursue for nearly four years. The fear of putting himself in his father’s shoes had always been intimidating. However, the passing of his father brought a sense of clarity and determination. To honor his father’s legacy, Sean decided to adopt his father’s boldness and adventurous spirit.

Joining the Clipper Race is Sean’s way of paying tribute to his father. This represents not only a personal challenge but a continuation of the journey they started together. As he prepared to embark on Leg 7, Sean took with him the lessons of perseverance and courage that his father passed on to him. For Sean, the Clipper Race is much more than just a journey across oceans; it is a journey of self-discovery and a heartfelt tribute to the man who inspired him to dream beyond the horizon. During his recruitment interview, Sean said: “My father’s adventurous spirit will be with me every step of the way, pushing me forward in this incredible endeavor.”

Sean’s team Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam, led by skipper Bob Beggs, experienced an extraordinary stage 7, marked by strategic navigation and relentless endurance. From the frigid waters of Seattle to the sweltering heat of the Caribbean to navigating the unpredictable North Atlantic, this leg tested the team’s determination and sailing prowess.

Race 11: #SailConnected with SENA saw the team depart from Seattle, Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam faces an intense journey south. The team has traveled a path strewn with tactical pitfalls. Their strategy and skills kept them neck and neck with the race leaders, Qingdao. As they approached the final stretch, light winds and slow boat speeds hampered their efforts to overtake the Chinese team. Despite these challenges, Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam obtained a meritorious second place.

Image: Sean and his team receive their second place pennant at the awards ceremony in Washington, DC

After a brief stopover in Panama, the crew of the Ha Long Bay, Viet Nam embarked on Race 12: Come Sea DC Cup, leaving Panama, Sean reflected on this leg of the race saying: “It’s an experience I will never forget. Doing this in honor of my dad is what motivates me every day and I just hope to make him proud. For me personally, it gave me the opportunity to think about who I am and what I want to do in the future.

“The next race is going to be interesting, I’ve heard a lot of stories from my father about the Atlantic, so let’s see if it lives up to its name.”

The journey from Panama to the US capital began with navigating the intricate canals of the Panama Canal, leading to the tropical waters of the Caribbean Sea. Here, the team battled extreme heat and maneuvered through a maze of islands.

As they transitioned into the North Atlantic Ocean, conditions changed dramatically. The crew faced unpredictable weather systems and the challenging dynamics of a wind gap, and managed a valiant sixth-place finish in Washington, DC.

Upon their arrival in Washington, DC, Sean shared his thoughts on the trip, stating, “The North Atlantic Ocean definitely lived up to my father’s stories. »

Image: Sean and his team arrive in Washington, DC

“This stage was not only a physical challenge, but also a mental and emotional one. The varied climates and complex sailing conditions required a mix of tactical acumen and determination from the team.”

Inspired by Sean’s story? Take the steps towards your own extraordinary journey with the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. Whether you’re an experienced sailor or a novice looking for a new challenge, racing offers a unique opportunity to push your limits and explore the world from a new perspective.

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