
In the Eid Al-Adha message, Hezb-ut-Tahrir Afghanistan criticizes the Afghan Taliban for their silence on Islamic issues: “If Gaza is far from us, Tajikistan, which is close to Afghanistan, issues anti-Hijab decrees and our Muslim sisters are asking for help, but the (Taliban) leadership remains silent for reasons of political expediency.

In the Eid Al-Adha message, Hezb-ut-Tahrir Afghanistan criticizes the Afghan Taliban for their silence on Islamic issues: “If Gaza is far from us, Tajikistan, which is close to Afghanistan, issues anti-Hijab decrees and our Muslim sisters are asking for help, but the (Taliban) leadership remains silent for reasons of political expediency.

The Cyber ​​& Jihad Lab monitors, tracks, translates, studies and analyzes cyber jihad originating from the Middle East, Iran, South Asia and North and West Africa. He innovates and experiments with possible solutions to end cyber jihad, advances legislation and initiatives at the federal level – including with Capitol Hill and the attorneys general – and at the state level, to develop and implement measures that will serve precedents for future actions. He works with leaders in business, law enforcement, academia, and families of victims of terrorism to develop and support efforts and solutions to combat cyber jihad, and recruits and works with technology industry leaders to develop and support efforts and solutions.