
The Acolyte’s Sexy Villain Is Obviously Inspired By Elden Ring

Have you also been chewing on the bars of your enclosure since the last episode of The Acolyte? If so, you might be surprised to discover that part of the inspiration for the show’s big mystery is the game everyone is playing right now.

We will spoil The Acolyteyou have been warned.

Image from the article titled Elden Ring Inspired The Acolyte's Sexy Sith Villain

Chart: Kotaku

At the end of The Acolytefifth episode ofQimir, played by Manny Jacinto, became everyone’s hot new boyfriend when he he flexed his incredibly swollen arms and murdered half the cast, revealing himself to be the Sith at the heart of the series’ mystery. Revealed as the one known as The Stranger, his character design notably eschews many of the tenets that define the Sith, and that obviously has a lot to do with 2022’s acclaimed RPG Elden Ring.

Qimir’s look, according to The AcolyteShowrunner Leslye Headland, takes inspiration from Elden Ringthe most seasoned warriors. In a Reverse interviewShe reveals that Qimir’s lack of distinctive armor is inspired by “the Elden Ring “It’s a costume. The Elden Bling. When you summon people, you always summon people wearing nothing, and it’s like, ‘These people are completely crazy.'”

As the interviewer points out, there is a phenomenon around Elden Ring where players who really wanted to participate in a particular fight would strip their characters down to their underwear. Headland, who is very delighted with the The Shadow of the Erdtree expansion throughout the conversation, responds affirmatively, saying: “Yes, you have to go in with this offensive attitude, especially with these bosses. You can’t come back panicking. You have to be aggressive with them. You have to behave like a boss. In things.”

Headland almost certainly takes inspiration from players like Let me do it solowhich has become a kind of popular legend in the Elden Ring community. They would let themselves be summoned for the the toughest fight in the game against Malenia and, as their name suggests, they insist on fighting alone. However, as Headland describes, they would only carry two swords and their character’s underwear into combat.

Learn more: The last Acolyte The episode is Star Wars In its sexiest and deadliest form

Even Qimir’s only piece of armor, an oddly shaped helmet seemingly bearing a sinister smile, seems to be lifted from the fact that Let Me Solo Her’s only real armor – if it can even be called that – is a pot on her head.

This design philosophy not only guided Qimir’s relatively casual clothing, but also seems to have defined Jacinto’s approach to the character’s body language and confidence. As Headland puts it, “I thought, ‘Why wear armor if you’re not going to get hit?’”

When you think of a Sith, you think of someone who is rather prim, wearing either big black robes (Palpatine) or heavy black armor (a la Darth Vader). The dominant image is certainly not that of a pretentious and obsessed man who shows off how muscular he is and who sneaks into a fight with the confidence of a guy who could attract anyone he wants.

Qimir turns out to be the most effective fighter in the sequenceshowing just how imposing he can be and why he makes such a striking Sith. He deactivates Jedi lightsabers left and right and goes on a rampage with numerous warriors without breaking a sweat. He has this brazen brutality as he cuts down person after person that is reminiscent of Vader’s famous hallway massacre in A new hope. In Headland’s own words, he’s “aggressive” and “gets carried away by events.” Yet when he speaks, he does so in a relaxed manner, repeating not platitudes about darkness, but rather about freedom. It’s a frightening dichotomy, and it works. Speaking of freedom, you know what Jacinto is free to do? Call me!

I’d say stripping Jacinto down for Qimir’s portrayal absolutely worked. It’s not just that he’s sexy as hell, although that certainly helps. His portrayal of a Sith is so naked and stripped down, it’s refreshing to see. Now, everyone says thanks to Elden RingLet me play it solo, and Leslye Headland.