
Government plans to create new marae and cultural centre in Ruapehu after ‘flawed’ engagement with iwi

Government plans to create new marae and cultural centre in Ruapehu after ‘flawed’ engagement with iwi

Another memo from Te Arawhiti says an agreement with Patutokotoko was reached in June last year following dialogue on issues with Ruapehu, including concerns about the “trademark on their surname Tūroa”.

Crown support for historical research into the history of the hapū and the Tūroa family has been proposed, as well as the development of multimedia materials to tell its story.

In addition, the document reveals that the government’s plan is expected to include funding to enable the purchase of land, the construction of a marae or cultural centre, and “assistance to resolve concerns” about the use of the Tūroa name for the ski area.

Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith said: “My officials and representatives from Patutokotoko are exploring the development of a reconciliation plan.”

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Goldsmith confirmed that no decision had yet been made.

A note sent to Tama Potaka from Te Arawhiti in late May this year says Department of Conservation officials admitted the Crown had committed to engaging differently with iwi, over Tongariro National Park and the Ruapehu Alpine Lifts, “but that has not happened”.

“We will continue to work with DoC and MBIE as the commercial and concession processes around the Whakapapa ski area progress,” the memo said.

Documents previously released to NZME under the Official Information Act revealed that then Regional Development Minister Kiri Allan wrote an apology letter to the Tūwharetoa iwi representation group over “flawed” engagement around ski fields – co-signed by Andrew Little and Willow-Jean Prime.

“We apologise for the impact this has had on you and your communities,” the ministers said at the time, saying the process had failed to meet “the level of rigour you should expect from the Crown”.

Tūroa Ski Area is being operated for the first time this season by Pure Tūroa, following the signing of a concession agreement with the Department of Conservation. A 10-year concession was approved on April 6.

A trade deal for the Tūroa side of the mountain was approved earlier this year. Photo / Bevan Conley
A trade deal for the Tūroa side of the mountain was approved earlier this year. Photo / Bevan Conley

The Whakapapa ski area has not enjoyed the same certainty, this season being operated by the receivers of struggling ski company Ruapehu Alpine Lifts, as bids were taken off the table and no decision could be made before the deadline.

Over the years, the government has invested a lot of money to keep the ski area running. The district’s tourism industry is largely dependent on the success of the Ruapehu ski fields.

The latest RAL support package has been described as a “final” bailout by the new government.

Discussions are continuing with key stakeholders. A further Te Arawhiti paper confirms a proposal for a meeting between ministers and iwi to discuss the potential commercial process for the sale of the Whakapapa and Chateau Tongariro ski assets, future concession processes and next steps in ongoing negotiations.

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A separate meeting also took place recently involving senior officials from the Department of Conservation, the post-colonial governance entity for the Whanganui River, Ngā Tangata Tiaki, Patutokotoko and a number of iwi representatives.

“The purpose of the meeting was to discuss iwi concerns about the Tūroa ski resort concession process in March. DoC officials acknowledged that in June last year the Crown had committed to engaging differently with iwi with interests in Tongariro National Park in relation to processes around the Ruapehu Alpine lifts, but this did not happen,” the memo said.

Officials from the Department of Business, Innovation and Employment were invited to the meeting but declined to attend.

In a statement, an MBIE spokesperson said the discussion “specifically focused on areas of engagement responsibility of other agencies”, surrounding RAL concessions and issues regarding the Tongariro National Park settlement.

Ruapehu District Mayor Weston Kirton told NZME consultation with iwi had been an “ongoing issue for some time”.

He said it was “imperative” to have good relationships with iwi and hapū over ski areas.

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“We also have to respect the history of skiing in this area, and Tūroa is a name that has been around for a long time; we have to associate that name with this ski area because it has a proud history,” Kirton added.

Whanganui Māori Regional Tourism Organisation chairman Hayden Potaka told NZME the consultation needed to be “much more thoughtful” and extend over a longer time frame.

Potaka said skiing was not the only aspect of Ruapehu, highlighting the superb hiking and other tourism opportunities: “I think the focus should be on that and maintaining the natural environment that exists, and even regenerating it.”

Documents provided to Te Arawhiti under the OIA indicate that a number of iwi “did not support the continuation of commercial ski areas on Ruapehu in their current form”.

In a letter, iwi Ngāti Tūwharetoa said they encouraged “managed retirement”, particularly in relation to skiing, but supported long-term sustainable commercial activities that drive regional development.

Azaria Howell is a Wellington-based multimedia journalist with an eye on the region. She joined NZME in 2022 after several years as a student journalist. She has a keen interest in council decisions, public sector reform and transport.

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