
Conscript Gameplay

Conscript Gameplay

Conscript Gameplay

Fresh off its release, Conscript offers a new version of its gameplay. The title, a survival horror experience, is signed Team17 and Catchweight Studio.

Learn more about this in the following overview:

Conscript is a survival horror game inspired by the classics of the genre, set in 1916 during the Great War. Conscript blends all the punishing mechanics of old horror games into a cohesive, tense and unique experience.

In Conscript, you play as a French soldier searching for his brother who went missing in action during the Battle of Verdun. Can you navigate winding trenches, overrun forts, and cross no man’s land to find him and keep a home intact?

Main characteristics

  • Experience classic, methodical survival horror gameplay in a unique historical setting: the Battle of Verdun.
    Highly replayable with different difficulty levels, multiple endings, unlockable costumes and bonus weapons.
  • Fend off a variety of enemy soldiers and fighters with a variety of WWI melee weapons and firearms.
  • Survive in an intense and heartbreaking atmosphere enhanced by unique pixel art aesthetics and oppressive sound design.
  • Navigate a complex level design that favors item management and route planning, while solving intricate environmental puzzles.
  • Distinct World War I-themed areas that intertwine and overlap.

Take a look at Conscript gameplay below.


Conscript is now available on Switch worldwide. For more information, follow our page here.

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