
Rep. Dean Phillips is part of what has become an increasingly rare breed – The American Spectator | U.S. News & PoliticsThe American Spectator

Rep. Dean Phillips is part of what has become an increasingly rare breed – The American Spectator | U.S. News & PoliticsThe American Spectator

REp. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) is one of a seemingly rare breed—an honest Democrat (a tip of the hat to Sen. John Fetterman, too, who was a wonderful surprise; forgive me, senator, for underestimating you). Phillips saw Joe Biden’s disruptive decline and chose to run for America First, not his party’s elite cadre, and made a bid for voters in the Democratic presidential primary.

On the campaign trail, before he was ignominiously crushed, he spoke out loud about a major problem: Joe Biden’s inability to handle the most difficult job in the world. Speaking to primary voters in January of this year (it seems like a decade ago), Phillips explained that his party knew and whispered this terrible reality to each other, but was content to hide it from American voters: “We were having these conversations in silence. But when the cameras came on, we were ‘rolling with Biden.’” (READ MORE: Don’t be surprised if it’s Buttigieg)

It turns out that Democrats had Biden’s dysfunction exposed beyond any doubt as early as October 2021. That’s when Biden met with the congressional Democratic caucus to help advance his massive trillion-dollar infrastructure bill. An article from the wall street journal reports:

In a 30-minute speech at the Capitol, Biden spoke in a rambling manner and failed to formulate a concrete request to lawmakers, according to Democrats in the room. After he left, a visibly frustrated Pelosi (House Speaker Nancy) told the group she would explain what Biden had been trying to say, one lawmaker said.

That lawmaker was Dean Phillips, whose honest reflection on what he saw led him to challenge his own party’s incumbent. Of that October performance, Phillips recalled for the Newspaper:”It was the first time I remember people being quite shocked by what they saw.”

“Don’t pay attention to the man behind the curtain”

Only Democrats saw this disconcerting performance. With the exception of Phillips, most of them chose to behave like the Wizard of Oz and admonish anyone who looked beyond the projected image: “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”

Unfortunately, Phillips has been no more successful in his role as Toto than the various MAGA types who have pointed out the same dysfunction. The revelation took a few years to come. In the meantime, most others have chosen not to see. Many have actively deceived. Even this year, when Biden delivered what appeared to be a furious, meth-fueled rant for a State of the Union address, seasoned liar Jerrold Nadler took all the glory and declared, “Nobody’s going to talk about cognitive impairment now!” (READ MORE: The Left’s Political Machine Is About to Get Underway)

The rest of America had to wait for the Trump debate to find out how badly it had been deceived.

The question to ask about this shameful deception is a slight variation of the one Howard Baker asked to get to the bottom of another scandal: “What did they know and when did they know it?”

THE the wall street journal The article answers this question: they saw what everyone saw during the debate almost three years ago.

Democrats Refuse to Admit Mistake

Since we are all imperfect, the crucial question is what we do when we make a mistake. As many noted after Watergate, it was the cover-up rather than the burglary that angered public opinion.

With Biden’s deception exposed, one would think Democrats would quickly recognize their mistake.

We would be wrong.

Search Biden’s ungraceful tweet announcing his resignation for any acknowledgement of his disability, and you will find none. Search the backroom bosses, as they used to be called, and all you will find is praise for the nobility of this selfless man who thought only of his country. (READ MORE: Media tries to turn the page on the scandal of the century: Biden is cognitively gone)


I thought that’s why he was president—to serve the country. Do they agree with Republicans that the best thing for the country is for him to no longer be president? It seems like the only issue they’re motivated by is that Biden failed in the polls. That’s inexcusable. Their power was threatened. That’s what they’re concerned about.

Search their statements and you will not find much. Move on America, we have it all prepared for you, just like Biden did at his press conferences. Stay here, say this and respond to the memes we spread as you were trained. Continue to ignore the one behind the curtain now. Be happy with the lies! We have many gifts we can choose to give you if you cooperate and much harm if you don’t. Trust us.

And now, after days of Scranton Joe remaining invisible, probably because that’s how he has to prepare for any public appearance, no matter how short or scripted, this is the official line.

You didn’t see what you saw. Don’t pay attention to it. As Karine Jean-Pierre always told us: “First of all, there was no cover-up, I want to be very clear about that.”

They have lived a lie and they are doubling down on it. They choose to manipulate voters, not communicate with them. We, the people? No, we, the leaders. We write the script, even for presidents.

Democrats Won’t Reward Dean Phillips for Honesty

One would think that after being exposed in their dissimulation, the Democrats would have turned to redemption, showing the voters, who are the sovereigns of this republic, that they have changed and are sincerely seeking redemption. Some Democrats seem to have that inclination. Newspaper quoted Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas:

I am really concerned about what we were not told during these months. … I remain concerned about that – that for whatever reason, this kind of overprotective, orchestrated operation seems to have not only deprived the American people as a whole of an understanding of the current situation of the president, but also of other elected officials.

But if you think that those who run the Democratic Party are leaning toward Representative Doggett, you are mistaken. Dean Phillips, who had the courage to speak the truth and defend it at great cost and who came to tell the truth to the voters, was not invited to accept the nomination, or even to run for it at a public convention.

No. The liars must control everything; openness is anathema. They fear that an open convention will reveal the deals they have made to stay in power. They do not want another Wild in the Streets Chicago showing the violence and lawlessness of those they have admitted to their councils of power. (READ MORE: Andy Beshear: The Surprising Player in Kamala’s Veepstakes)

Bari Weiss in the Free press calls this moment the era of the noble lie. She writes:

The reason the most fundamental elements of the democratic (and democratic) process are being so dramatically challenged is because of the lie that everyone around Joe Biden has told himself and then told the public.

It is now undeniable that this is exactly what happened.

And yet they deny it, pretending it never happened. And they want you to act the same way.

The overlords have made their decision: Kamala will be anointed without fuss, at a scripted convention in which America’s great hijacking of Biden’s health will likely never be excused or even mentioned.

Will they succeed in tearing the curtain off Toto and diverting our attention?

It is up to us, the people, to answer this question.