
Backup chain appears to be wrong, transaction log is not flushed after backup (SQL Server 2019)

Backup chain appears to be wrong, transaction log is not flushed after backup (SQL Server 2019)

Backup chain appears to be wrong, transaction log is not flushed after backup (SQL Server 2019)

Since this week, I have been getting an error message from SQL Server when backing up the logs:

Msg 3052, Level 16, State 1, Line 13 The backup log failed to record updates to database ‘DB01’. Subsequent log backups will be required to advance the savepoint from (1273423:2289656:216) to (1273436:1546104:1) once log space is made available for their logging.

I tried to find specific information regarding this error, but without success. After looking at the save game information, I can see the problem (first_lsn does not change):

| database_name   | backup_start_date       | first_lsn              | last_lsn               | database_backup_lsn    | checkpoint_lsn         | BackupType      | recovery_model |  
| --------------- | ----------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | --------------- | -------------- |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 08:05:11.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000536109600001 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000536041600001 | Transaction Log | FULL           |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 07:56:36.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000526588000001 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000526485600119 | Transaction Log | FULL           |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 07:52:42.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000524165600001 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000524094400001 | Transaction Log | FULL           |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 07:35:21.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000509740800001 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000509678400001 | Transaction Log | FULL           |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 07:05:11.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000485428800001 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000485365600001 | Transaction Log | FULL           |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 06:35:10.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000465804000001 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000465774400001 | Transaction Log | FULL           |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 06:11:54.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000453656800001 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273433000453617600001 | Transaction Log | FULL           |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 01:00:40.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273423000229044800001 | 1273423000154140800048 | 1273423000228965600216 | Full                | FULL           |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 01:00:40.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273423000229044800001 | 1273423000154140800048 | 1273423000228965600216 | Full                | FULL           |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 01:00:40.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273423000229044800001 | 1273423000154140800048 | 1273423000228965600216 | Full                | FULL           |  
| DB01            | 2024-07-26 01:00:40.000 | 1273423000228965600216 | 1273423000229044800001 | 1273423000154140800048 | 1273423000228965600216 | Full                | FULL           |  

However, I have no idea how to fix this. I tried going into simple recovery mode and rolling back, followed by a new full backup, but that didn’t change anything. I also increased the log file size a bit, but that didn’t help either.

I would really appreciate any help on this.

Best, Ju