
Stark Grey Dawn Open Thread: Don’t you think Trump looks… tired?

Stark Grey Dawn Open Thread: Don’t you think Trump looks… tired?

Stark Grey Dawn Open Thread: Don’t you think Trump looks… tired?

It’s entirely possible — maybe, hear me out — that Donald Trump is actually an angry, bitter, disgruntled old man who’s watched a lot of TV and is pissed off that someone else is getting the attention. I know that would be a shocking conclusion to draw

— George Conway (@gtconway3d) July 25, 2024

Are our media… turning?

Rep. Crow to Fox: I’m a combat veteran. I know fear and fatigue when I see it. Trump looks tired and scared. Somebody needs to wake him up. I know he has a hard time staying awake. He fell asleep multiple times during his own convention and his criminal trial. Somebody needs to wake him up…

— Kamala Headquarters (@KamalaHQ) July 26, 2024

Imagine how crazy and confused Trump is right now. He should be heading for victory thanks to his miraculous survival of a botched assassination, but instead everyone is talking about the hateful little pervert he chained himself to lol

— Molly Conger (@socialistdogmom) July 26, 2024

Furthermore, Trumpworld’s ability to anticipate Republican statements, actions, etc. that might have harmful consequences is severely blunted by the fact that Trump has already skated over far worse things to say/do over the past nine years.

— Haggai Elitzur (@helitzur) July 26, 2024

Junior was absolutely crazy tonight interviewing JD Vance. I didn’t pick up the pace.

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) July 25, 2024

Don Jr. will OD before Hunter Biden.

— Peter Wolf (@peterawolf) July 26, 2024

another thing about JD (which i remember josh mentioning in his pod episode discussing trump’s potential VP picks) is that there is a meanness to him that fits donald trump’s worldview

— Ilker Erbil (@ilkererbil) July 26, 2024

…but there’s another contingent of voters who may not have strong feelings about Harris one way or another *and* don’t think Trump is an existential threat…but are JUST TIRED OF HAVING HER BIG VOICE, STUPID, MEAN, BULLY FACE EVERYWHERE FOR THE LAST DECADE.

—Charles Gaba ?? (@charles_gaba) July 26, 2024

Also note:

A. Vance is probably the most pro-Putin stooge in the Senate

B. Trump announced his running mate four days after his meeting with Viktor Orban

— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) July 26, 2024

The Stark Gray Dawn Open Thread post: Don’t you think Trump looks… tired? first appeared on Balloon Juice.