
The Adventurers brings some of that old-school D&D turn-based gameplay to a PC near you and sprinkles it with enough retro dust to get us excited.

The Adventurers brings some of that old-school D&D turn-based gameplay to a PC near you and sprinkles it with enough retro dust to get us excited.

The Adventurers brings some of that old-school D&D turn-based gameplay to a PC near you and sprinkles it with enough retro dust to get us excited.

So you looked at the screenshot above and instantly thought, “This isn’t for me,” well, hold your adventuring horses, Sonny Jim, and give this upcoming indie D&D ’em-up a little more of a chance.

Scheduled for release in Q4, this Dungeons & Dragons-inspired turn-based game set in an ever-evolving fantasy world might just be worth your consideration.

The first thing to notice is how the game is reminiscent of the old school RPGs that were all the rage in the early 90s, but with modern systems thrown in. In a way, it also reminds us a bit of the Steam version of Dwarf Fortress and that’s not a bad thing in itself.

In The Adventurers (which is also a great name, by the way), you take control of a group of adventurers (but you should have guessed that) and take on contracts from locals you find during, uh, your adventures, to improve your coffers and reputation.

While there’s no sort of official D&D label, it’s clear that the developers have spent many hours poring over a tabletop version of the game and have incorporated character progression, questing, and exploration that offer what appears to be a fairly unique gameplay experience.

It’s the focus on the world-building aspect of this single-player RPG that’s most reminiscent of D&D and even Dwarf Fortress, as it seems like the world will shape itself around your exploits and reputation as you play.

The developers are Eternal Vigilance Entertainment and there isn’t a lot of information floating around about them and it’s clearly a labor of love for them, but what we’ve seen has been enough to really get us interested.

You can check out the trailer above and add the game to your Steam wishlist to show your support for the project and stay up to date with development news.

The Adventurers article brings some of that old-school D&D turn-based gameplay to a PC near you and sprinkles it with enough retro dust to get us excited appeared first on ReadWrite.