
A dose of Pharmacreations

A dose of Pharmacreations

For Bryant, she has always been drawn to the collaborative nature of teaching and mentoring, so teaching this course was especially valuable.

“Even before I started teaching this course, there was so much I didn’t know about what it meant to be a pharmacist,” Bryant said. “I am so grateful to the pharmacy students who volunteered to help and provide their perspective in this course. I came away better prepared to work in a clinical setting as part of a team alongside pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.”

Young students enrolled in the course were able to experience hands-on experiences, including identifying allergies, using EpiPens and inhalers, and preparing different types of medications. They also learned about the differences between doctors and pharmacists and enjoyed a Q&A with Andrew Willeford, Pharm.D., Ph.D., assistant clinical professor in the School of Pharmacy, about his role as a clinical pharmacist and faculty member. Students even got to participate in their own white coat ceremony, where each student was presented with a white coat to remind them of their potential to pursue a career in healthcare.

“I was really impressed by the level of engagement the students had at such a young age,” Bryant said. “We covered some pretty nuanced topics, and I was blown away by how much they took away and what they took away from our week together. They continually challenged me, asking tough questions, and even went home to do their own research on some of the topics we covered in class.”

A dose of Pharmacreations will be offered again in July 2025.