
Detectives continue investigation into Santa Maria courthouse bombing suspect

Detectives continue investigation into Santa Maria courthouse bombing suspect

Just a day after an explosion at Santa Barbara County Superior Court in Santa Maria shook people, the investigation continues.

According to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office, suspect Nathaniel McGuire threw a backpack toward the security checkpoint near Department 9. The backpack exploded, injuring at least five people.

McGuire, 20, was quickly apprehended and booked into the North Branch Jail on suspicion of attempted murder, making an explosive device and using an explosive device in attempted murder.

McGuire reportedly lived at the Mantalvo Apartments and detectives were back at his home Thursday as they continued their investigation.

Neighbor Vanessa Ayone has lived there for three years and said she was shocked when she heard the news.

“He walked by all the time. He actually parked right next to me, so we passed each other and smiled. I least expected it to be him,” Ayone said.

Authorities searched his home and vehicle for evidence.

“It’s scary. I have three little ones and I’m a single mom, so just knowing that my kids are playing here… what’s going on inside at home, you have no idea idea,” Ayone said.

In a statement released Thursday, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office said of the investigation: “This is an extremely slow process due to possible safety concerns associated with materials used to make bombs .”

Back at the courthouse, several people showed up expecting it to be open Thursday.

Jennifer Barter was present Wednesday when the explosion occurred and returned the next day, expecting a postponed hearing.

“My lawyer called me to come back today for my 1 p.m. hearing, and now we’re closed. I just want to take care of the hearing and get things sorted out, and I can’t really do that. You can’t move forward until everything is open again,” Barter said.

Others were also frustrated that someone would do such a thing.

“He caused me and my wife to delay what we were preparing to do,” said Santa Maria resident Willie Hicks.

Darrel Parker, chief executive officer of Santa Barbara Superior Court, said they are working to clean things up in order to reopen the court Monday.

“There was no significant material damage,” he said. “A few fire extinguishers were fired during the activity, so there is a lot of dust in the hall. Everything will be back to normal by Monday.”

McGuire remains in custody at the North Branch Jail in Santa Maria and is being held without bail.

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office said once their reports are completed, they will be sent to the district attorney’s office where they will decide whether to file charges.

Currently, there is no estimate of when charges might be filed or when McGuire will be presented in court.

Also Thursday, Santa Maria Mayor Alice Patino released a statement saying, “I want to thank our city’s first responders and staff for their quick and professional response yesterday at the Santa Maria Courthouse. A number of agencies quickly and cooperatively apprehended the suspect, established a perimeter for the investigation, treated the victims and worked to make the scene safe and secure. I sincerely thank you for your contributions.