
Miedo and asco in the metropolitan area

Miedo and asco in the metropolitan area

Buenos days, friends galernautas. In the end, I followed him. Today we will have to be happy, moved by the prospect of a clash of many young people and maximum rivalry between the elders and the eternal rivals in the capital of the kingdom. But no. Go to be sure no. The result is that the sensation is different. With the pace of the week, The days when you play it’s all that I am I was faced with a heavy worry on the motive of the dark ultra that is on the metropolitan with everyone haciéndose the orejas and the Liga to rebufo.

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Total derby, yes. Totally helpless. Totally tolerated by the cecidores of the manicomio. We have made agreements to Disafio Total A Miedo and Asco en…the Metropolitan. When the Fear and disgust It is in Las Vegas, as in the film, all this is lisérgico, estroboscópico and astonishing, the three pillars on those who need to support the average merengue this night so as not to respond like a basilisk before the one who is anida in cierto background of Wanda.

In any case Show must go on manda, que hay que vender la mejor Liga del mundo, a Mbappé —que no juega—, la Liga de las Estrellas and todo eso. No matter what we leave er Mundia Because the degraciado de Vini spent a day in Mississippi and Williams picked them up on their way to Spain with their fathers. Yes, you know; Spanish sports periodism he’s the best in the world, how to try to proclaim an osado Felipe del Campo, el del bochorno de good late and good golesand Spanish football is faithful, brilliant and splendor as it navigates a process of mierda. Acabáramos.

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As you can appreciate the Galernauta know-how, the criminal artists who present this meeting in the social environment are not worried about the part of the foregrounds of the table, the most concerned, as always, to make up the tropes of “the village team and the best “aficion de España”. But little by little, not to say a single blow to the Galerna, they worry about the nausea of ​​the execution of the creciente of the sector. colchonerism empeñado en currise de gloria en el estercolero de del chungo, del duro, del dámelo todo, papi. Uncontrolled and violent.

We aim to unfurl the insignia of opinion leaders in order to promote and make changes in a campaign to get along with the mask of the metropolis and thus – que astutos – despotricar with free bar of insults, gutural grain of primate included, against the first who passes for everything, preferably Vinícius who, by chance, brings provocation to everyone all week. We saw how we invented a campaign for the house in Mono Burgos — precisely today — to emit in unison that vocabulary of the jungle that tanto les gusta will be the birthday of when German, while for cierto botaron of Movistar to say that if not While the football Lamine Yamal arrived in a semester, knocked out his head of the alcantarillas on the Gran Vía with his club descended to the second division? Since we cannot hear them (tanta rabia, tanto odio), we also celebrate these things.

The joy of the crown of this particular KKK of Hacendado does not reach the followers conveniently denounced by La Galerna who flock to the side of a webcam to promote this execrable campaign of racist acoso to Vinícius and who also tuvieron the clarity of do flanqueados per dos cuadros con sendos monos transvestites. Ultimately this resulted in a pandemic, which on several occasions in the caves that pushed our eyes was more guapos with mask. With bozal, some people attack to improve everything else. It is.

Have you reacted to the Central Lechera, the madridista cave, the entrepreneurs and the means that control Florentino, as well as other cases of corporate social responsibility? No. Those worried about the mystical as this digital extract from the brand’s pages shows.

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Attend here, queridos galernautas readers, tanto al sumun del delirio antimadridista que consumes y carcome a nuestros vecinos et adversaries, como al dislate de quien nos vende el relato cual historia budista de monjes shaolin en l’Himalaya se tratara. Result: he recognized Madridism a lot on Spanish television and followed the son of the satrapa of Marbella and his comrade Henry Cherry impiden who acted with the Wanda during the preview of the derbi. “Karma” says the head of the editor of Marca ¡Karma! Será Karma Barceló intendemos.

It is therefore anti-Madridism. Capaz de abrazar cualquier cosa, sea racista, homófoba, fascista, communiste ou anarcosindicalista, con tal de (creer) erosion a su peor pesadilla. We all have a friend, or a man, converted into a humanoid who fuels the smell of Real Madrid, we all have a friend, a licensee, a professional, a father of a family, an honorable, an honored and a respectable so that the molesta sobremanera the noise of the Bernabéu and the result that lives in the Tablas. Pues con estos bueyes hay que arar.

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Entre tanta ponzoña tuvieron que com Barça y Sport a sacarnos una sonrisa. The first, while panenkismo and its judges adivinaban a record of 38 consecutive victories, for the revolution that occurred in Pamplona and the second to define this as a “flickada” in the house of our galernauta maestro of word games , Francisco Sanchez Palomares.

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For its part, Mundo Deportivo, the newspaper of Godó, great of Spain, describes the capital derbi as an “emergency” shock.

We did not hear that night when, on the other hand, Madrid urgently abandoned the field before any execrable, vomiting and intolerable demonstration of the Front Atlético, the one who animated the flipas, always and when there were no puñaladas and tiran personas al río. It’s Walpurgis Night.

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