
Q&A with Escondido Union School Board Candidate Mark Olson – San Diego Union-Tribune

Q&A with Escondido Union School Board Candidate Mark Olson – San Diego Union-Tribune

Mark Olson, director of parks and recreation for the City of San Marcos, is running for re-election to the Zone 3 seat on the Escondido Union School District Board of Trustees.

The San Diego Union-Tribune surveyed all San Diego County school district election candidates about their policies, plans and priorities. Here’s what Olson told us about his.

Why are you running for school board? What makes you a good candidate?

It has been a privilege to serve my community as a board member over the past several years. Too often, these positions are used as little more than a stepping stone to future roles. I have no aspirations other than to serve the community I love.

Escondido Union Elementary School Board Candidate Mark Olson
Mark Olson (courtesy of Mark Olson)

I am running for a second term because although we have accomplished a lot over the past few years, there is still much work to be done. Many students continue to struggle to meet grade level standards as they seek to recover from learning loss caused by the pandemic. As a school board, we have made it a priority to provide necessary resources not only to students but also to their families.

The current school board has demonstrated its ability to focus on these issues. As a parent of current Escondido School students, I know how board decisions can affect our families and students.

What is the most important issue currently facing your school district?

Although we face many critical issues as a district, I believe the one that can help across the board is increasing the average daily student attendance in our district.

This is important for many reasons. Above all, it ensures that students gain the essential teaching needed to succeed as they progress academically. But many other positive outcomes come from attending the school, such as the level of funding we receive, which allows the district’s overall operations to be financially sustainable.

Again, we have a number of important issues to resolve as a district. Our current board – which is diverse in terms of experiences, opinions and political ideology – has been able to collectively focus on addressing these issues, and it is important that our board ensures continuity to ensure we achieve our goals.

What are the top three specific things you would seek to accomplish on the school board?

  • Increase student achievement, enrollment and attendance
  • Ensuring Campus Safety
  • Stay financially viable

What would be your approach to district budget planning and spending? What would you do if your district had a budget deficit?

Just like the families we serve, we must always live within our means. This can sometimes be difficult. Our philosophy should be to plan our educational programs in such a way that they can withstand the ups and downs of different budget cycles.

In the event of a budget shortfall, we must make the necessary adjustments to ensure the short and long term viability of the district. If reductions must be made, they should remain as far away from classrooms as possible, to allow students to continue their learning with minimal disruption.

How should your school district improve student academic achievement, and what would you do as a school board member to make it happen?

The best way to improve student results is to first convince families that their children’s education is essential to their success. Second, we need early identification of students who are struggling to meet grade-level standards. And finally, we must mobilize the necessary resources so that each student receives the attention and help necessary for their individual success.

As board members, it is our responsibility to work closely with those who provide the instructional materials, our teachers, giving them the resources they need to meet students where they are and develop a plan for their success.

Do you think that everything currently offered in school curricula or in libraries should be removed? If yes, what and why? If not, why not?

Our district has done an excellent job reviewing and ensuring that our library offerings are consistent with the learning program offered. When a question arises regarding a specific publication, a review process should be initiated, and if it is determined that it is not consistent with the program or in an area that is not appropriate, an adjustment should be made. carried out.

What do you think drives student truancy in your district and what would you do as a school board member to reduce it?

For nearly two years, families were told that school attendance was not important for their children’s educational development. In fact, this is the main reason I chose to run for this position.

I believe the best place for the majority of children to learn and grow academically, socially, physically and emotionally is in school. We must continually communicate this to our community and, in addition to providing high-quality teaching, provide other engaging activities that help educate the whole child through expanded learning opportunities.

We have created great partnerships with local and regional organizations that offer something for everyone with the ultimate goal of bringing students to campus. While I will always be a proponent of choice, I want to make our EUSD schools the best option for the children of Escondido.

Do you think schools should inform parents if their child’s gender identity or presentation at school changes? Why or why not?

I know this is a subject of great discussion, and I think it is far from being resolved. I want to ensure that all students feel safe in schools and have the resources they need to succeed. Although I believe in respecting the laws that have been put in place, I will always advocate for parents to be involved in decisions that affect their own children.