Modular Speicherlösung for high security security

Modular Speicherlösung for high security security

Modular Speicherlösung for high security securityModular Speicherlösung for high security security

The modern and modern design of Silent Brick Pro is specially designed to provide efficient data, schnell and even better. Wie etwa als Air Gap-Sicherung, bei der the Daten physique da Netzwerk getrennt werden.

Die Speicherung und Sicherung von Daten ist für Unternehmen, Organizationen, Behörden und Einrichtungen jeder Art heute wichtiger denn je. The data desire or security check may be changed in some cases regardless of the time of cyber attacks and all types of ransomware.

🔎 Scanning for components of the Ransomware component or sequence is performed with the updated Silent Brick Pro (image: FAST LTA).

They are all forged, their date strategy for overcoming and security system to define current performance as such security – also big data. A special solution here is FAST LTA’s Silent Brick Pro System, which is also modular and is ideal for ensuring maximum security.

Aufbau of the Silent Brick Pro system

The Silent Brick Pro system is the new version of the Silent Brick series and a high-performance system with higher performance, maximum capacity and maximum security.

I’m Kern handelt es sich um ein modular Speichersystem, so ideal for Performance Backup & Recovery as well as for schnelle, fully wurde active VTL file. Damit ist es besonders gut geeignet, um kritische Daten umfassend abzusichern.

The Silent Brick Pro System has more special components and the original Silent Bricks Pro can be used between workstations or mobile devices. The Silent Brick Pro Controller is a central control element that allows Silent Bricks Pro einzelnen to be maintained and for a more complete version of the feature set.

The Silent Brick Pro System was used

Silent Brick Pro’s technical authentication is based on performance, capacity and security. During the integration of PCIe and NVMe technology, the system was extremely schnelle Übertragungsraten von bis zu 6 GB/s. This hohe Geschwindigkeit is bei bei Backup- und Wiederherstellungsvorgängen ein entscheidender Vorteil. Zudem bietet do System eine Speicherkapazität von bitet zu 96 TB pro Silent Brick bzw. up to 768 TB in 2 Höheneinheiten. A modular wet bar with Silent Brick Max is a total capacity of up to 6 petabytes.

Main presentation of the Silent Brick Pro system

  • Maximum capacity: 12 NVMe modules in M.2 format with about 96 TB (gross) for Brick, 768 TB of total capacity and with a maximum Silent Brick capacity of 6 petabytes.
  • Schnelle Datanübertragung: Data rate up to 6 GB/s wet from PCIe Gen4 architecture and NVMe technology.
  • Greater security: Air Gap, continuous instant object blocking, erasure coding, RAID-Z, Chargen-Mix, digital auditing…
  • Modularity: The system is less flexible and flexible.

The complete description of Silent Brick Pro systems

Silent Brick Pro is completely reliable, which makes it ideal for a standalone machine, your data is safer and more efficient.

1. Professional performance

O Möglichkeit, Daten mit Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 5 GB/s zu schreiben, macht the Silent Brick Pro zu einer der leistungsfähigsten Speicherlösungen auf dem Markt. This management process is better than more up-to-date data or longer-duration regular backups, so these processes are more efficient and resource-intensive if you can. Modern technology is Silent Brick Pro on site, this process is improved and the recovery period is minimized.

2. Pro-Security

At one time, in the cyber community and the search for ransomware, it is the security of non-internal data of the greatest benefit. No protection mechanisms such as Erasure Coding, RAID-Z, Chargen-Mix and Digital Audit have Silent Brick Pro, but it can also be used to (automatically) check Air Gap-Sicherung, before physical network data is obtained. These software functions for immutability, such as object locking or continuous snapshots, are built-in. The data is not important for Verlust durch Hardwareausfälle, sondern auch vor Cyberangriffen.

3. Pro Capability

One of the unique features of Silent Brick Pro Systems is its special, quality performance. With 12 NVMe modules in M.2 format, one of the Silent Brick Pro has an incredible capacity of up to 96 TB (gross). The 8-slot Pro Controller package has a unique capacity of 768 TB in just two tiers.

Although the system is flexible, you can use Silent Brick Max in a total capacity of up to 6 petabytes. This außergewöhnliche Skalierbarkeit is the most complete and ideal system for organizing fast data. Es passt sich nahtlos ansteigenden Anforderungen an, ohne den laufenden Betrieb zu beeinträchtigen.

4. DSGVO Compliance and Dating

Slightly more important than the Silent Brick Pro is full DSGVO compliance. Besonders für Unternehmen in der Europäischen Union ist dies um entscheidender Faktor, da die strengen Vorgaben der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung eingehalten werden müssen. The on-premises configuration was secure, as the intrinsic data of the infrastructure unternehmenseigenen bleiben and not in the cloud was very important, it was the datenhoheit wahrt and the risk of datenschutzverletzungen minimized.

5. Vielseitige Einsatzmöglichkeiten

The Silent Brick Pro System is perfect for zahlreiche Branchen, darunter das Gesundheitswesen, die öffentliche Verwaltung, der Finanzsektor sowie Forschungs- und Entwicklungsunternehmen. Insbesondere in Bereichen, in denen auf schnelle Backups und Wiederherstellung auch grandes Datenmengen ankommt, ist das System von unschätzbarem Wert. Unternehmen können sich darauf verlassen, dass ihre Daten sicher gespeichert und bei Bedarf schnell wiederhergestellt werden können.

The Silent Brick Pro System delivered extremely economical performance over large dates and long periods of time. They ensure that the on-premises system has no set dates, a stable status check, and accurate tuning of all data without changes from external factors. Das kann im schlimmsten Fall über Fortbestand ou Niedergang entscheiden.

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FAST LTA is the specialist for second and long term security systems. The combination of longer and more reliable hardware, integrated software for updating and converting security data with up to 10 years of storage time interval for long-term storage and backup data storage. Eigene Entwicklungen wie local Erasure Coding, Versiegelung Mittels Hardware-WORM und Effizientes Energie-Management help Mittelständischen Kunden, sich vor Datenverlust durch Ransomware-Angriffe und Fehlkonfiguration zu schützen und regulatische und rechtliche Auflagen (DSGVO) zu erfullen. Die Lösungen des Münchner Anbieters haben sich in tausenden Installationen in Healthcare, öffentlicher Verwaltung, Film/TV/Video und Industry bewährt.

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