How One Band Inspired Healing and Hope

How One Band Inspired Healing and Hope

BILOXI, Miss. (WLOX) – For the last eight years I’ve worked at WLOX, I’ve tried to stay as far behind the scenes as possible. From operating cameras in the studio to producing multiple newscasts, my anxiety created a fear of the spotlight. But sometimes the universe gives you a story and a way to say thank you.

“We are your beacon in the dark, when all seems lost.” – Lighthouse

As my father’s health began to decline dramatically due to cancer, the band Lord of the Lost became my emotional crutch. As I traveled to see him, I turned up the volume and sang along. When I arrived, my mind would repeat the lyrics that helped me stay calm as our time together became more filled with silence. When I returned home, the Lord of the Lost muffled my screams.

On July 1st, I received the call that my father had passed away. His death occurred hours before my 14 year old dog was euthanized. My world was silent that day, but I will always remember my mind repeating the lyrics to “Priest” by Lord of the Lost: “Hold on, hold on my love.”

In some of my darkest moments, I found light in their music. I knew what songs I could turn to to help me focus on rationally processing my emotions, and better yet, songs that could help me smile.

“You find hope in the peaceful darkness.” – Amber

Earlier this year, I found out that Lord of the Lost would be touring the US. I immediately started looking for friends who would be willing to come see them in concert. Admittedly, no one in my life had heard of this band from Hamburg, Germany, but after some music recommendations, I had two trips planned.

These plans gave me something to talk about with my dad, to be excited about, to look forward to as my world crumbled around me. I never would have imagined how meaningful these trips would become.

Under the Brooklyn Bridge, seeing Hamilton on Broadway
Under the Brooklyn Bridge, seeing Hamilton on Broadway(WLOX)

“We leave so many lives behind, which grow like shadows in the past.” – Forever

The first leg of the trip took me to New York City. This was my first time in 13 years – the first time since I scattered my mother’s ashes in the water near where she grew up. Initially, I never planned to see Lord of the Lost in New York. The only reason this trip became a reality was because a friend had recently moved back to Mississippi and Saturday’s show meant she could go with me and catch up with some of her friends from the area.

After we arrived, I sat in silence as I watched the cityscape pass by through a car window. I thought only of my mother at that moment and in the days that followed, especially as we walked near the Brooklyn Bridge, of the symbol I had tattooed on my heart in memory of her.

Saturday night arrived and it was time to see the Lord of the Lost show. Before that moment arrived, the band Julien-K took the stage. Although I had never heard their music before, I was already aware of a strange connection they had with a precious memory of mine.

Julien-K’s Ryan Shuck also co-founded the music group known as “Orgy.” This band gave me one of the few times I successfully embarrassed my mother. Many years ago, she asked if I wanted anything from the store. I requested an “Orgy” CD. She would call me later, horrified, as she couldn’t find the CD herself and had to ask an employee for help. Although embarrassed, she bought it for me.

In 2024, in my mother’s hometown, I started crying when Julien-K closed the show with the song “Blue Monday” – a song that was on the CD my mother bought me years ago.

After the show, I spoke to Ryan, and although I didn’t mention the connection or how much this experience really meant to me, I asked for a hug and with that simple gesture I found peace.

Now was the Lord of the Lost’s time to shine – and they did. I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Excitement caused the night to come and go in what felt like a breathless moment. But that was just the beginning – I still had two more shows to watch.

Lord of the Lost in Denver
Lord of the Lost in Denver(Dylan Toco)

“Keep your head up in the clouds, with both feet on the ground, life is very fast, so make it count.” – Blood and Shine

The second leg of this journey took my friend Dylan and I to Denver. Denver was always on my mind when I started planning this journey. My brother lives in Colorado and would be joining us with a friend. This meeting marked the first time I had seen him since our father’s death. Spending this time with him meant a lot to me; We don’t get to see each other enough.

Beasto Blanco opened the show and his energy took over the stage and the audience. As they performed, my brother’s friend leaned over to tell me he was going to take me to the front of the crowd. I scoffed at the idea, saying it was fine.

I’m 4’11. If there’s one thing a short person fears most in a crowd – it’s elbows. After Lord of the Lost took the stage, a tall gentleman in front of me began pumping his fist excitedly; I shuddered every time I saw his elbow come back towards me. Now it was much easier to convince myself to change. My brother’s friend began to gently push me forward, and after a few taps on the shoulders and pointing down on the top of my head, the crowded sea parted and I was at the barrier.

From the bottom of my heart, I mean it when I say that Lord of the Lost is such a beautiful band. I couldn’t believe I was experiencing what was right in front of me. When the show came to an end, my heart was full. The next morning, my brother and I hugged goodbye and Dylan and I left for Phoenix.

Lord of the Lost in concert
Lord of the Lost in concert(Dylan Toco)

“Hi, my name is Rachel…” – Rachel (co-starring social anxiety)

In Phoenix, as I braced myself for post-vacation depression, I also felt my anxiety rise. Months before I bought tickets to meet the band. This decision was something I debated for an entire week and even after getting the tickets, the mental debate continued. But before I could meet them, I was about to reconnect with family friends I hadn’t seen since my mother’s memorial in 2011. They saw that I posted on social media that I was in Phoenix and asked if I had time. to find me. . I’m glad I said yes.

Later that day, as Dylan and I went to meet Lord of the Lost, I kept going over what I would say to the band – how much I appreciated their music and talent, how amazing it was to see them in concert. .. I ended up not saying anything about it.

The six band members were divided into groups of two. Dylan and I met guitarist Pi and drummer Nik. I reached out my hand and said, “Hi, my name is Rachel…” and then waited for them to introduce themselves as if I had no idea who they were. After telling them that this was my third time seeing them in concert, I mentioned that my brother thought the Denver show was better than he expected. I got their signatures and moved on.

When we got in line to meet singer Chris and bassist Klaas, I thought about my tattoo. I have “forevermore” on my wrist, as it’s one of their songs I listen to most when I’m anxious. There are also 11 letters, the same as “unstoppable”, which I tattooed on my other wrist. During the tour, they performed “Forevermore” and a cover of Sia’s “Unstoppable.” Even though I know they didn’t have me in mind when they made the setlist, it was special.

We reached Chris and Klaas, and I again reached out and repeated the entire first experience, without ever mentioning my tattoo. When we met keyboardist Gared and guitarist Benji, my mind was completely lost.

I’ve never mentioned how much this band and their music means to me and my mental health, or how amazing their shows are. They were all incredibly nice, though. While I don’t mind doing it all over again, ask any of my friends and they’ll tell you that what happened means a lot to me.

Rachel with Nik and Pi
Rachel with Nik and Pi(WLOX)
Rachel with Klass and Chris
Rachel with Klass and Chris(WLOX)
Rachel with Benji and Gared
Rachel with Benji and Gared(WLOX)

Since we were able to stay in the venue after the meet-and-greet, I was able to get a spot at the barrier in front of the stage. This concert was bittersweet. This would be the third time seeing the same scenery and hearing the same songs, but each night was as incredible as the last.

“Hear my voice, for I am lost, singing to the broken.” – One last song

After the deaths of my father and my dog, people told me they didn’t know how I was managing to control myself. I know I can’t give Lord of the Lost all the credit, but in the moments when I felt like angst would take over my universe completely, I would put on my headphones, hit the shuffle button, and breathe. Music would help me focus, allowing me to see how lucky I truly am. I was adopted, and for fate to decide to place me in the arms of Leslie and Alan Smith, what a wonderful blessing I have received.

To my mother and father, for always letting me be myself and for their unconditional support. Thank you for teaching me to laugh at myself.

To my dog ​​Sasha – For 14 years, seeing you when I got home was always the only thing I could count on to brighten my day. My days are darker without you here.

Thank you, Lord of the Lost. The journey your tour took me on was a fun and unforgettable experience, even when I found ways to embarrass myself. This experience reminded me of the beauty of this world and what it means to live. Your music gave me hope and this journey allowed me to dream again.

Chris, Pi, Klaas, Gared, Nik and Benji, thank you. To your team who helped make this tour possible, thank you.

“All the pain you’ve been through, you remain free, you remain strong in everything you do.” – Absolute Attitude

Rachel's tattoos – 'forever' and 'unstoppable'
Rachel’s tattoos – ‘forever’ and ‘unstoppable’(WLOX)

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