100 Unique Hindu Baby Names Inspired by Goddess Kali Maa with Meanings

100 Unique Hindu Baby Names Inspired by Goddess Kali Maa with Meanings

Aaria ( ) Goddess ( ) Acala ( ) The Property ( ) Ajá ( ) She who has no birth ( ) Ambika ( ) The Mother of the Universe ( ) Aparna ( ) Those who do not eat or fast ( ) Apra ( ) Unlimited ( ) Atrisutayai ( ) Daughter of the Sage Atri () Bhadra ( ) Auspicious ( ) Bhadrakali ( ) The Auspicious Kali ( ) Bhairavi ( ) Bhairava’s wife () Bharati ( ) Goddess of Speech ( ) Bhuvaneshvari ( ) Ruler of the Universe ( ) Brahma ( ) Power of God Brahma ( ) Chandi ( ) The Fierce Goddess ( ) Charchayai ( ) Radiant ( ) Dhatri ( ) Nutritionist ( ) Durga ( ) Anguish Remover ( ) Durgaparmeshvaryai ( ) Supreme Goddess Durga ( ) Gaur ( ) Goddess of Purity and Posterity ( ) Girija ( ) Daughter of the Himalayas ( ) Guda ( ) Secret ( ) Hansa ( ) Swan ( ) Haripriya ( ) Beloved of Lord Vishnu ( ) Hinkaryai ( ) The one who makes the sound “Heem” ( ) Indira ( ) Goddess Lakshmi, Wife of God Vishnu ( ) Jaya ( ) The Victorious ( ) Jwalinyai ( ) Radiant ( ) Kalahansinyai ( ) Conflict Remover ( ) Kali ( ) Dark Skin Goddess ( ) Kamakshi ( ) She Whose Eyes Awaken Desire ( ) Kamala ( ) Possessing Lotus ( ) Kamalapriya ( ) Lotus Lover ( ) Kamdaayai ( ) Wish Giver ( ) Kaminyai ( ) Desirable ( ) Sing ( ) Beautiful ( ) Kravyadopa Nibarhinyai ( ) Enemy Destroyer ( ) Kriyayai ( ) The one who performs actions ( ) Krodhinyai ( ) The one who gets angry ( ) Kulajaayai ( ) Someone born into a noble family ( ) Kumari ( ) The Beautiful Teenager ( ) Kundalini ( ) The one that has the shape of a coil ( ) Lalita ( ) Pleasant, Charming, Desirable ( , ) Maatangi ( ) Goddess of Matanga ( ) Madanasundari ( ) Beautiful as Cupid ( ) Madhumati ( ) Sweet as honey ( ) Maha Tripura Sundari ( ) The Great Tripurasundari ( ) Mahalakshmi ( ) She who is the Great Goddess Lakshmi () Mahasiddhi ( ) Great achievement ( ) Maheshvari ( ) Bhairava’s wife () Maheshvarpriyankaryai ( ) Beloved of Lord Shiva () Maitryai ( ) Friendly ( ) Malini ( ) Using garlands ( ) Manonmani ( ) She who is the Shakti of Shiva () Maia ( ) She who is Illusion ( ) Mridani ( ) The one who gives pleasure ( ) Niranjana ( ) Remains detached, connected to nothing ( ) Nirguna ( ) In addition to all the three Gunas of nature, namely Sattva, Rajas and Tamas (,,,) Nirvikalpa ( ) Free from false imaginations ( ) Nitya ( ) Eternal ( ) Padmanabha Sahodari ( ) Sister of Lord Vishnu ( ) Padmavati ( ) Possessing Lotus ( ) Paratpara ( ) She who is the most supreme of the supreme ( ) Prabha ( ) Radiance ( ) Pragyai ( ) Knowledgeable ( ) Pushkara ( ) She who is complete ( ) Salajjaayai ( ) Modest ( ) Sanandavibhvayai ( ) Happiness giver ( ) Sarasvati ( ) The Goddess of Learning ( ) Sarvagataya ( ) All-penetrating ( ) Sarvavarna ( ) All in color ( ) Satya ( ) The Truth ( ) Satyagyana ( ) Truth, knowledge and happiness ( , , ) Shambhavi ( ) The Consort of Shambhava ( ) Shankbharye ( ) The Consort of Lord Shiva ( ) Sharvani ( ) Sharva’s consort ( ) Shikhvahinyai ( ) He who rides a peacock ( ) Shiva ( ) Half of Shiva ( ) Shoba ( ) Shine ( ) Shree ( ) Auspicious ( ) Shri ( ) Auspicious ( ) Subhaga ( ) The Seat of Prosperity ( ) Sudinayai ( ) Full of auspicious days ( ) Sukshma ( ) Subtle ( ) Sumangali ( ) Eternally Auspicious ( ) Sumukhi ( ) Pretty face ( ) Swadha ( ) Form of Swadhadevi ( ) Swaha ( ) Form of Swahadevi (,) Tamopaha ( ) Ignorance Remover ( ) Tara ( ) The one who crosses (Samsara) ( ) Trailokyavasini ( ) Resident of the Three Worlds ( ) Triguna ( ) Endowed with the Three Gunas of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas (,) Trilocapalini ( ) Protector of the Three Worlds ( ) Trinetra ( ) Three Eyes ( ) Tripadayai ( ) Donor of Three Benefits ( ) Tripurantakyai ( ) Destroyer of the Three Cities ( ) Trisandhya ( ) Name of Goddess Durga ( ) Trishaktyai ( ) Possessing Three Powers ( ) Triswara ( ) Three Tones ( ) Trivarna ( ) Tricolor ( ) Udbhutayai ( ) The One ( ) One ( ) Mother or Lady of the Mountains ( ) Vagishvari ( ) Sovereign Goddess of Speech ( ) Vaishnavi ( ) The Invincible ( ) Vani ( ) Goddess of Speech ( ) Varahi ( ) Shakti of Varaha, a Sow-Headed Goddess (,) Vijaya ( ) Conqueror ( ) Vishalakshi ( ) She has big eyes ( ) Visvarupa ( ) Entire universe as its shape ()
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