
The dedicatory prayer of the Salvador Brazil Temple, offered by Elder Andersen – Church News

The dedicatory prayer of the Salvador Brazil Temple, offered by Elder Andersen – Church News

Below is the text of the prayer offered by Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in Portuguese to dedicate the Salvador Brazil Temple on Sunday, October 20, 2024.

O God, our Eternal Father, in reverence and love and in the name of Your Beloved Son, we come to you to dedicate this holy and sacred house, the Temple of Salvador Brasil.

We thank You, Father, for this chosen land of Brazil with its freedom to openly worship You and Your Son. We thank You for the kindness of Your sons and daughters here in this country, and especially for those in this region of Salvador who have embraced the restored gospel of Your Son, those who are alive and those who are now beyond the veil. We especially honor the early saints for their faith and courage and the devoted missionaries who served in this part of Brazil.

Father, we are grateful for the Restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith and for Your kindness to us in restoring priesthood keys and holy temple ordinances to the earth, enabling us to seal in heaven what is sealed here on earth. We are humbled by those here in Brazil and around the world who are honest in their tithes, allowing this holy house of the Lord to be built and maintaining dozens of temples in dozens of nations. We pray: “May the kingdom of God proceed, may the kingdom of heaven come, that You, O God, may be glorified in heaven (and) on earth” (Doctrine and Covenants 65:6).

“We express our devotion to You and our desire to remain faithful and true throughout life.

Now, as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, with the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and as appointed by Your Prophet on Earth, President Russell M. Nelson, I dedicate and consecrate to You and Your Beloved Son this sacred house. , the Salvador Brazil Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, so that the sacred ordinances of salvation and exaltation may be performed within these walls for the blessing of individuals and families on both sides of the veil.

I dedicate this sacred structure from its foundations and foundations to its majestic tower. I dedicate the beautiful rooms, the furniture, the adjacent building and the beautiful gardens. Please, Father, protect this house of Yours from natural disasters, fire, vandalism and any intention to deface or contaminate it.

We ask You, Holy Father, to bless all who serve here, the temple presidency, the matron and matron’s assistants, the ordinance workers and the patrons, that Your house may be a house of prayer, revelation and peace . Especially bless the young and everyone else so that they can feel the love of Your Son. Please Father, place Your name and Your Son’s name in this holy refuge and allow Your Holy Spirit to be here continually.

May Your servants “go forth from this house armed with Your power, and that Your name may be upon them, and Your glory may be around them, and Your angels may have command over them” (Doctrine and Covenants 109:22).

We express our eternal gratitude for the gift of Your Son and for Your love and His love for us. We cannot fully express our love for You and Your Son. We know that it is only through Him that we can return to You.

We express our devotion to You and our desire to remain faithful and true throughout life. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.