
Why Meghan Markle Stayed Silent During Prince Harry’s Mental Health Speech

Why Meghan Markle Stayed Silent During Prince Harry’s Mental Health Speech

Why Meghan Markle Stayed Silent During Prince Harry’s Mental Health Speech

Meghan Markle remained notably silent during Prince Harry’s emotional speech about mental health during his visit to a Nigerian school.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are on a five-day trip to Nigeria after being invited by Nigeria’s Chief of Defense Staff. The duo began their trip with a visit to a school in the country’s capital, Abuja.

Now, a PR expert claims that Meghan remained silent and added nothing to Harry’s speech in order to respect him and give him a say in matters of mental health because of his efforts in this area.

“Meghan might have thought Harry’s message about mental health was strong and comprehensive, so she didn’t feel the need to add anything more. By nodding, she could show agreement and his support for his words,” said public relations guru Edward Hopkins. said The mirror.

Edward continued: “Meghan may have wanted to give him the space to address the public on this topic, recognizing his expertise and passion in the field…”

“By not speaking herself, she could avoid distracting from the main message or inadvertently causing any controversy,” he noted.

Concluding his analysis, he said: “Meghan might simply be more comfortable in certain settings playing a supporting role rather than being in the spotlight. Given the nature of the event and the topic , she might have preferred to let Harry be the main speaker.”