
EPW Committee Announces Increase in Water Resources Development Act of 2024 – Majority News

EPW Committee Announces Increase in Water Resources Development Act of 2024 – Majority News

WASHINGTON DC — U.S. Senators Tom Carper (D-Del.), Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, and Shelley Moore Capito (RW.Va.), Ranking Member of the EPW Committee, announced today their plans for the EPW. Committee for mark the Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA 2024) on Wednesday May 22, 2024.

The Water Resources Development Act is biennial legislation that authorizes flood control, navigation, and ecosystem restoration projects for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The legislation was developed in partnership with U.S. Senators Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), chairman of the EPW Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee, and Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), ranking member of the subcommittee. -EPW transport and infrastructure committee.

“Whether it’s protecting our communities in the face of increasingly powerful storms and intense droughts or keeping our waterways active in our ports, the work of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the backbone of the American economy. » said President Carper. “I believe that bipartisan solutions are lasting solutions, and that is why Senator Capito and I worked together to consider the demands of all of our Senate colleagues when crafting this legislation. In addition to authorizing projects and programs that will impact all fifty States, this bill directs the Corps to expedite implementation of important provisions in prior WRDA bills. These provisions include assistance programs for disadvantaged communities, extreme weather adaptation measures, and individual project solutions that the Corps has not yet implemented. For more than a decade, the EPW Committee has led the effort to pass this biennial legislation with overwhelming bipartisan support, and I hope we replicate that model once again with WRDA 2024.”

“The Army Corps of Engineers conducts essential work in communities across the United States by building water resources infrastructure, including projects that manage the risks posed by flooding. Every two years, the Environment and Public Works Commission supports the Corps in carrying out its civil engineering mission through the law on the development of water resources. This year’s WRDA 2024 contains important victories for West Virginia and I am once again proud of the bipartisan work of the EPW Committee on this important legislation,” » Ranking member Capito said..

“Next week, we will have the opportunity to strengthen water resources across the country and expand Army Corps of Engineers operations to address water management issues, including droughts and floods”, said Senator Kelly, Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure.. “As a state senator facing critical water issues, I look forward to the inclusion of the provisions I have worked on to help Arizona tribes and communities respond and s adapt to drought conditions. I appreciate the bipartisan work of Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Capito, and Ranking Member Cramer who helped draft this legislation and remain committed to working with them to get it signed.

“This year’s Water Resources Development Act is an example of timely and steady order, reflecting member feedback and delivering victories for North Dakota communities. Our states and tribal nations will benefit from the Corps’ ability to better support local flood control projects and improve outdoor recreation opportunities. I commend my EPW colleagues for their bipartisan work on another WRDA and urge its speedy passage,” said Senator Cramer, ranking member of the Senate EPW Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure..

The text of the invoice is available here.
