
Woman reveals how work appointment saved her life after shock diagnosis

Woman reveals how work appointment saved her life after shock diagnosis

Justine Daly, from Belfast, had no idea she was suffering from a life-threatening illness until she underwent an occupational health check and was told to ‘go to hospital immediately “.

Justine Daly now advises people to have a health check(NICHS)

One woman described how, following a routine health check at work, she was told to “go to the emergency room immediately”.

Justine Daly, from Belfast, who led an active lifestyle and had no pressing health problems, was shocked when she discovered she had dangerously high blood pressure during a routine medical check-up at work. “My employer had arranged for the Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke (NICHS) to come to our workplace in Belfast to carry out health checks in March. I saw this as an opportunity to get things checked out, either for further peace of mind, or to encourage change,” she says.

“I had a similar check-up in 2019 and, although my blood pressure was high, it was far from a critical level. I certainly didn’t expect to find that my blood pressure was out of range. Richter and that I should go to the emergency room immediately. Justine praised the NICHS staff member who measured her blood pressure. “My check-up was carried out by a lady called Valerie from the NICHS health promotion team. She was lovely and had a very professional and caring attitude,” she said.

Justine Daly was diagnosed with dangerously high blood pressure in March and is now responding well to treatment(NICHS)

“Valérie explained to me what the check-up would consist of and that the blood pressure check would take place at the end. My results from the other tests were all excellent. I had a metabolic age of 40 and at 54, I was delighted to hear this. When it was time for the blood pressure check Valerie did it on my left arm and said, “Okay, go to the beach. how calm you would feel,” then she measured it again. Once again, she asked me to take a few moments to try to relax. She then took the measurement of my right arm, and c. That’s when she told me I needed to go to the emergency room because my blood pressure was dangerously high.

Justine told BelfastLive: “It took a while for the news of it being so high to sink in. I hadn’t experienced anything, no symptoms or warning signs, that would have made me worry about my blood pressure or my health in general. I expected it to be high like before, but not to the point that I had to go to the hospital. It was a complete shock.

“Valerie could see the look of horror on my face and must have thought another solution was worth trying. She told me I should call my GP and ask for advice. If they felt that I didn’t necessarily need to go straight to A&E and would arrange an urgent appointment with my doctor, then she would be happy with that advice.

“Valérie waited with me until I received a call back from my doctor, which was very reassuring and kind. My operation gave me priority, I made an appointment for the following morning and Valérie m She advised me to go home and do nothing but rest, which I did. She was able to make me understand that it was extremely important, but without petrifying me.

Justine spoke candidly about her experience(NICHS)

“I obviously felt quite anxious because when you’re told you have to go to the emergency room you realize how serious the situation is. Valerie was so calm and considerate though and that really helped. I saw my doctor the next day and he was fantastic. He examined me and given my history of high blood pressure, he immediately prescribed meds. He explained to me that it wasn’t for me. Trying to make lifestyle changes to make a difference to my blood pressure, such as losing weight or reducing my salt intake.