
Spice of Life: Simple acts of kindness can create a chain of goodwill

Spice of Life: Simple acts of kindness can create a chain of goodwill

During a recent flight from Delhi to Hyderabad, my daughter, who suffers from motion sickness, battled a wave of nausea. Despite her usual trick of carrying bags full of caramel candies, nothing seemed to help this time. When the flight attendant came over and offered drinks, she asked for some tea, hoping it would ease her discomfort. The young guard noticed her desperation and paused for a moment. With genuine concern in his voice, he asked gently if she was unwell.

We rush through our tasks and rarely think about how a small, thoughtful gesture could make a big difference to someone else. (Shutterstock)
We rush through our tasks and rarely think about how a small, thoughtful gesture could make a big difference to someone else. (Shutterstock)

When she nodded, he set the tea aside and, with quiet efficiency, blended a Sprite with a squeeze of lemon, a pinch of pepper, and some ice. He offered her the drink and suggested she take small sips, promising it would relieve her nausea. His attention and understanding made the difference. With each sip, her nausea subsided, and by the time she landed in Hyderabad, she felt much better—grateful not only for the relief, but also for the kindness of a stranger who took the time to help.

On a normal day, my daughter might not have paid much attention to the flight attendant as he was busy with his routine of serving food and drinks, checking on passengers’ comfort, and responding to in-flight calls. But that day everything changed. As soon as she got a signal on her phone again, she immediately texted me, eager to tell me what had happened. Not only did she remember the young man’s name vividly, but she also confessed that his kind face had left such a lasting impression on her that she would not stop thinking about him for the next three days. This is the profound impact of a simple act of kindness.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often get so caught up in our routines that they feel like mere tasks to be checked off. We rush through our tasks and rarely think about how a small, thoughtful gesture could make a big difference to someone else. But it’s these moments when you go the extra mile that can leave a lasting impression on people.

Imagine this: You walk into an office to run an errand, and the person assisting you not only attends to your concern, but also offers you a seat, asks the employee to pass you a glass of water bring, or maybe even offer you a cup of tea. Suddenly you feel more comfortable and calm, and the simple act of kindness lifts your mood. As you leave, this positive energy continues and brightens the rest of your day. Such gestures have a far-reaching impact and remind us that a little consideration can create a chain of goodwill.

“Everyone, everywhere can make a positive difference,” said American author Mark Sanborn, beautifully encapsulating how small acts of kindness can have a profound impact. Whether it’s a flight attendant relieving a passenger’s discomfort or a stranger offering a moment of comfort, such gestures leave an indelible mark on people’s minds.

These acts do not require grand gestures; A smile, a kind word, or a thoughtful act can change someone’s day. Kindness is universal and when practiced it creates connections and spreads positivity. The beauty of it lies in its simplicity – anyone, anywhere, can contribute to making the world a little more beautiful for others. [email protected]

The author is an Associate Professor of English at SD College, Ambala Cantt.