
DNR announces new gypsy moth resource center

DNR announces new gypsy moth resource center

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) and University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension partner to launch new resource center on gypsy moths. The website, which replaces the state’s previous interagency gypsy moth information webpage, makes it easier for Wisconsinites to access the latest information and advice about the invasive gypsy moth.

Gypsy moth caterpillars feed on many species of trees and shrubs, stripping trees of their leaves. While otherwise healthy trees usually recover within a few weeks, repeated defoliation or the introduction of other stressors such as drought, disease or other pests could cause the trees to die. Experts believe this spring and summer could be another busy season for gypsy moth caterpillars.

The updated webpage includes:

People also read…

  • Ways to identify gypsy moth caterpillars and differentiate them from other native caterpillars;
  • Information about DATCP quarantine and non-quarantine zones and the regulations that apply to residents and visitors to each zone;
  • Control options that garden tree owners should consider, including a newly created guide to insecticide options;
  • Specially designed options to help landowners, foresters and public land managers make informed control decisions;
  • An explanation of aerial spraying programs conducted by the DNR (on state properties) and DATCP (which manages “Slow the Spread” treatments in key non-quarantined areas);
  • Direct links to current year DNR and DATCP spray block maps and links to receive updated spray schedule information;
  • Information to help private landowners, groups and professionals make decisions about organizing their own aerial spraying;
  • Means for the public to contact a forester, arborist and/or aerial spraying company.

State agencies will also continue to operate the Wisconsin Spongy Moth Hotline, focusing on spray program updates and other basic information. The hotline is available by calling 1-800-642-MOTH (6684) or emailing [email protected].

For more information, visit the Spongy Moth Resource Center.